5 Publications
Research Paper
Open Access
Pattern of Tobacco and Alcohol Consumption among Cancer in Teenagers and Young Adults (Between 15 to 25 Years of Age) Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Satish Verma,
Ravinder Prakash,
Guru Prasad R,
Manish Sahore
Background: Teenagers and young adults (between 15 to 25 years of age) are more prone to addiction of tobacco & alcohol due to peer pressure and psychological triggering factors. This study was done to evaluate the pattern of Tobacco and Alcohol consumption among teenagers & young adult patients. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted between 15th Aug 2019 to September 15th 2019 in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Government dental college, Shimla amongst the teenagers & young adult population using self designed, close ended 20 questionnaires. Results: Out of total 318 patients in age group of 15-25 years present to the OPD, 250 people agreed to participate in the study. Among these 250 patients, maximum 131(52.4%) in the age group of 21-15 years, 130(52%) were males, 154(61.6%) were educated up to secondary level and 169(67.6%) were students. Among the total participants, 151 presented with the complaint of pain in tooth/oral lesion, 22 with trauma/ fracture, 1 with oro mucosal lesion and 76 with other complaints. Among the total participants, 56(22.4%) were smokers. Among these 56 smokers, 27(48.22%) were started smoking for <2 years, 39(69.66%) were smoking 8-10 times a day, 35(62.5%) initiating smoking due to the influence of their friends, 34(60.72%) were smoking cigrratte and 34(60.72%) tried to quit and among these 34 participants, loss of health was the reason for quit among 26(76.47%) participants. Among the total participants, 17(6.8%) were Non-smoking Tobacco users. Among these, 10(58.82%) were taking Jarda/Khaini, all 17 (100%) tried to quit and loss of health was the reason for quit among all 17 (100%) participants. Among the total participants, 71(28.4%) were alcoholic. Among these, 47(62.20%) were taking alcohol daily, 35(49.29%) started taking alcohol for < 2 years, 06 (8.45%) tried to quit and among these 6 participants, loss of health was the reason for quit among all 6(100%) participants. Conclusion:
Research Article
Open Access
Awareness Regarding Oral Cancer among Teenagers and Young Adults (between 15 To 25 Years of Age) Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Satish Verma,
Ravinder Prakash,
Neeta Sharma,
Manish Sahore
Background: Oral cancer is considered a public health problem worldwide. Dental colleges may play an important role in educating patients about oral cancer. This study was done to evaluate the knowledge regarding Oral Cancer among teenagers & young adult patients attending Dental Clinic. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted between 15th Aug 2019 to September 15th 2019 in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Government dental college, Shimla amongst the teenagers & young adult patients using self designed, close ended 20 questionnaires. Results: Out of total 318 patients in age group of 15-25 years present to the OPD, 250 people agreed to participate in the study.Among these, 226 (90.40%) had heard about oral Cancer and their major 158(63.20%) source of information was Mass Media. 175(70%) patients thought that oral cancer is preventable, 188(75.20%) thought that it is curable and 66(26.405) thought that it is contagious. Among the total, 119( 47.6%) had knowledge that Tobacco smoking was the risk factor for oral cancer ,215(86%) told Tobacoo chewing, 214(85.7%) told Heavy alcohol drinking,161(64.4%) told Sun radiation, 132(52.8%) told Non consumption of fruits & vegetables and 172(68.8%) told that Advancing age was the risk factor for oral cancer. Among the total , 198(79.2%) participants told that oral cancer was present as Non healing ulcer, 142(56.8%) told that it present as red patch, 145(58%) told that it present as white patch, 174(69.6%) told that it present as Lump in mouth/neck while 179(71.6%) told that it present as Growth of abnormal tissue. Among the total, 218(87.2%) told that oral cancer can recurrence was possible after cancer treatment, 211(84.4%) had Knowledge about post cancer treatment survival. 155(62%) told that oral cancer can be treated with surgery, 169(67.6%) told that it can be treated with medications, 131(52.4%) told that it can be treated with Chemotherapy and 95(38%) told that it can be treated with
Case Report
Open Access
Intra Alveolar Carcinoma of Mandible: A Case Report
Satish Verma,
Ravinder Prakash,
Guru Prasad R,
Manish Sahore
Primary intraosseous carcinoma (PIOC) or Primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma (PIOSCC) is a rare carcinoma, which arises within the jaws without connection to the oral mucosa. It was first described by Loos in 1913 as a central epidermoid carcinoma of the jaw. The etiology of this tumor is still not clear. It is a rare case which arises by direct transformation of Odontogenic epithelial rests in the jawbone. The epithelial rests found within the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Remnants of the dental lamina and the reduced enamel epithelium surrounding anunerupted/impacted tooth, The present report describes a case of PIOC of mandible arising de novo in a 51-year-old-man, which was initially treated by a general dentist, who misdiagnosed it as a periodontal lesion.
Case Report
Open Access
Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor: A Case Report
Satish Verma,
Ravinder Prakash,
Vikas Patial,
Manish Sahore,
Akansha Kumari
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) comprises a unique pathological entity characterized by aggressive or destructive behavior and propensity to recurrence. Usage of the term odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) had been under a lot of dispute from the time it was introduced in 1956. The World Health Organization (WHO) reclassified this lesion in 2005 as a KCOT and defined it as “a benign uni or multicystic intraosseous tumor of odontogenic origin, with a characteristic lining of parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium and potentially aggressive, infiltrative behavior.” It may be solitary or multiple. Long standing KCOTs have been reported to transform into primary intraosseous carcinoma (PIOSCC) or an ameloblastoma.
Case Report
Open Access
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of Palate - A Rare Entity
Ravinder Prakash,
Satish Verma,
Guru Prasad R,
Manish Sahore
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is an epithelial salivary gland neoplasm. It accounts for<10% of all tumors of salivary glands, whereas it constitutes approximately 30% of all malignant tumors of the salivary glands. It is frequently seen in parotid gland, followed by minor salivary glands. Involvement of minor salivary glands is commonly seen in region of hard palate, soft palate, retromolar region, buccal mucosa, floor of mouth and labial mucosa. Here, we report a case of MEC occurring on the palate in a 44‑year‑old female patient reported with a chief complaint of a painless swelling on the palate for 6 years and further diagnosed and managed as as case of MEC.