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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Health Hazards of Sweetened Beverages and Fast Food Consumption Among Adolescents in Selected Schools of Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
Diksha Kumari,
Upma Sharma
Introduction: The children of today will be the adult of tomorrow, central to this vision of the future, focusing on today’s children and educating them to change their behavior towards healthy eating pattern is necessary. Preventive approach to maintain good health with specific education can be greater benefit for the children to prevent mental and physical ailment. Aim: To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding health hazards of sweetened beverages and fast food consumption among adolescents in elected schools of Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. Settings and Design: A pre-experimental study was conducted in 2021 in selected schools of Kullu, Himachal Pradesh sample of 60 adolescents students were selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique. Pre-test was conducted and on same day planned teaching program was administered. After relapse of seven days, post test was conducted using self structured questionnaire. Result: The finding showed that mean pre test knowledge score was 9.73±4.843 and posttest mean knowledge score was 25.77±2.801 with mean difference of 16.04 .paired “t” test was applied and the value of “t” was 35.652, P is <0.001 which was found to be significant and effectiveness seen in knowledge level of 85.90%, which interpreted that majority of adolescents students has gained knowledge to good knowledge regarding health hazards of sweetened beverages and fast food consumption.
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A Descrpitive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Concerning Autism among School Teachers in Selected Schools, Shimla (H.P)
Miss. Priyanka Sharma,
Reena Dogra
Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. Hence, this study seeks to assess the knowledge and attitude concerning autism among school teachers in Himachal Pradesh, India, and the influence of several demographic factors on school teacher’s knowledge and attitude concerning autism. Aim: The aim of present study was to assess the knowledge and attitude concerning autism among school teachers. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the level of knowledge among school teachers, to assess the attitude among school teachers, to find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude among school teachers, to find out the association of knowledge level with selected demographic variables and to find out the association of attitude among school teachers with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive research design was used to collect data from 100 school teachers by using non-probability convenient sampling technique by means of self structured questionnaires and likert scale. Result: The present study concluded that the most of the students were having moderate knowledge (76%) and (78%) of school teachers had positive attitude concerning autism. The present study findings also revealed that there was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.197) at 0.05 level of significance between the knowledge and attitude concerning autism among school teachers. Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is a need for school institutions to pay their attention in teaching, educating, training & guiding the autistic child.
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Knowledge Regarding Menopausal Osteoporosis and Its Prevention among Perimenopausal Women in Selected Government Hospitals Shimla (H.P)
Background: Menopausal osteoporosis for perimenopausal women should provide is an important for prevention of menopausal is very important to identify risk factors in women and to address them aggressively early in life, because they can impart adverse effect on daily routine life. Material & Methods: A pre-experimental research study was done from September 2021 among 60 perimenopausal women in selected government hospitals of Shimla. The convenient sampling technique was used for hospitals and total enumeration technique was used for perimenopausal women. Tool was validated by ten experts and reliability was checked by split half method. Pre-test was done to check the level of knowledge among perimenopausal women using self-structured questionnaire followed by administration of planned teaching programme. Post-test was administered after intervention with same questionnaire used in pre-test. Results: The pre-test knowledge score of perimenopausal women was average (44.83%). The post-test knowledge score of perimenopausal women was 59.17%. The significant difference (14.33%) was present in pre and post-test knowledge of perimenopausal women after giving planned teaching programme. Conclusion: Study concluded that the planned teaching programme was effective on increasing the knowledge of perimenopausal women regarding menopausal osteoporosis in selected government hospitals Shimla (H.P.).
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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Stress and Coping Strategies Adopted among Students Appearing for Board Exams in Selected Schools of Shimla (H.P.)
Miss. Dixit Gautam,
Mrs. Shashi Sharma
Background: All over the world, exam stress is the main source of stress faced by the students and its impact has become a serious issue among researchers and policymakers because of increasing incidence of suicides due to fear of failure. Hence it is important to know how far the students are able to cope up with the stress. Aim: The aim of present study was to assess the level of stress and coping strategies adopted among students appearing for board exams. Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to assess the level of stress among students, to assess the coping strategies adopted among students, to find out the correlation between level of stress and coping strategies adopted among students and to find out the association of level of stress and coping strategies adopted among students with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive research design was used to collect data from 100 students by using non-probability purposive sampling technique by means of self-structured likert scale. Result: The present study revealed that the most of the students were having moderate level of stress (83%) and (56%) of students had adopted average coping strategies to deal with the exam stress whereas significant negative correlation (r = - 0.406) was found between level of stress and coping strategies adopted among students. Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is a need for school institutions to pay their attention for minimizing the stress level of students by developing competencies among students and teaching adaptive coping strategies to deal with the stress so as a result the minimum stress can increase academic performance of the students in exams.
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A Quasi Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Program on Self Esteem among B.Sc. Nursing First Year Students of Selected Nursing Colleges of Shimla (H.P.)
Miss. Diksha,
Santosh Manta
Background: Self-esteem has been found to be the most dominant and powerful predictor of happiness and life satisfaction. Professional self- esteem is a multifaceted notion that determines the personal qualities of a profession and its effectiveness in specific working environments. Assertiveness is an expression of self-esteem. To make the individual assertive, assertiveness training is an important step in it. Aim: To evaluate effectiveness of assertiveness training on level of self-esteem among B.Sc. Nursing first year students of selected nursing colleges of Shimla (H.P.). Objectives: To assess pre test and post test level of self-esteem among the students of B.Sc. Nursing first year of selected nursing colleges of Shimla (H.P.), to evaluate the effectiveness of assertiveness training program on level of self-esteem among B.Sc. Nursing firstyear students of selected nursing colleges of Shimla (H.P.) and to find the association between the level of self esteem among B.Sc. Nursing first year students and their selected demographic variables of selected nursing colleges of Shimla (H.P.). Methodology: A quantitative research approach and Quai experimental research design was used. Result: Present study revealed that after implementation of assertiveness training program there was slight increase in high level of self-esteem in experimental and control group. In addition, there was no participant in low level of self-esteem in Experimental group as compared to Control group. Conclusion: The present study concluded that assertiveness training can be helpful in increasing self esteem of nursing students to enhance their self confidence.
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Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Vitamin A Requirement, Sources, Deficiencies and Its Prophylaxis among Under Five Children in Selected Area Boileauganj, District Shimla (H.P.)
Ms. Shivani,
Pushpa Panwar,
Mrs. Usha Thakur
Background: Vitamin A deficiency is a major public health nutrition problem in developing countries. It is an essential nutrient needed in a small amount for the normal functioning of the visual system, growth and development, maintenance of epithelial cellular integrity, immune function, and reproduction. Presently, vitamin A supplementation is implemented through the prevailing network of primary health centers and sub-centers. The program was launched in 1970 to reduce the disease and prevent blindness due to vitamin A deficiency. Objective: The objective of the present study were (i) to assess the level of knowledge regarding vitamin A (ii) to develop and administer self- instructional module on vitamin A (iii) to evaluate the effectiveness of self- instructional module on vitamin A (iv) to find out the association between Pre-test knowledge scores with their selected demographic variables. Material and methods: A pre experimental study was conducted in September 2021 in urban area Boileuganj, Shimla. Sample of 60 mothers of fewer than five children were selected using convenience sampling technique. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire related to vitamin A. The gathered data was analysed by calculating mean, median, mean percentage, mean difference, standard deviation, paired t-test to evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module and chi square test to find association of knowledge with selected socio-demographic variables. Results: The study findings showed that post-test mean knowledge score regarding vitamin Arequirement, sources, deficiencies and its prophylaxis has statistically improved from 13.95± 3.968 in pre-test to 20.37 ±4.034 in post-test. Conclusion: Self-instructional module has improved post-interventional knowledge score of mothers of under five children in urban area Boileuganj, Shimla.
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Knowledge Regarding Home Care of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis among Caregivers in Renal Unit at Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Shimla (H.P.) India
Pooja ,
Mrs Sangeeta Sharma
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means kidneys are damaged and losing their ability to keep healthy. The CKD patients have to be taken care at home for a longer time before kidney transplantation and they depend on intermittent dialysis and drugs to maintain optimum health. The purpose of home care is to promote, maintain or restore a patient’s health and reduce the effects of disease or disability. Objectives: the objectives of the present study were (i) to assess the pre-test knowledge regarding home care of patients undergoing hemodialysis among caregivers (ii) To develop and adminster Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding home care of patients undergoing hemodialysis among caregivers in renal (iii) To evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding home care of patients undergoing hemodialysis among (iv) To find out the association between level of knowledge and selected demographic variables. Methods and Materials: pre-test post-test approach was adopted by using pre-experimental design. The sample size was 30 caregivers in renal unit. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire regarding home care management of hemodialysis patients Result: The results of the present study reveal that considering the knowledge, maximum of study subject 24 (80%) had moderately adequate knowledge followed by 4(13.3%) study subject had adequate Knowledge and 2(6.7%) study subject had inadequate Knowledge. Results shows that structure teaching programme was effective in terms of improving knowledge. Conclusion: The study findings showed that the mean post-test knowledge score was Slightly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score. Hence, it can be concluded that the structure teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge Regarding Home Care of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis among Caregivers.
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Open Access
“A Pre- Experimental Study to Assess the Knowledge and Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Telemedicine among B.Sc. Nursing 3rd and 4th Year Students of S.N.G.N.C., I.G.M.C, Shimla (H.P.)”
Sushmita ,
Mrs. Ranjana Thakur,
Mrs. Indira Marjara
ackground: Telemedicine is the use of advanced telecommunications technologies for the purposes of making diagnoses, conducting research, transferring patient data, and/or improving disease management and treatment in remote areas. In the right circumstances, Telemedicine offers a cost-effective alternative to the traditional methods of health care delivery. Objectives: The main objectives of the study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding Telemedicine, to develop and administer a Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Telemedicine, to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme and to determine the association of post test knowledge with selected socio-demographic variables regarding Telemedicine. Methods and material: A pre-experimental (one group pre-test post-test) design was used for the study. Total 60 students of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year and 4th year of Sister Nivedita Government Nursing College, IGMC, Shimla (H.P.) were selected by using convenience sampling technique. A self structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding Telemedicine. After conducting pre-test, structured teaching program was provided. The knowledge score of pre-test and post-test was compared. The gathered data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study finding shows that the mean post-test knowledge score (21.70%) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (15.10%). which was statistically significant. Conclusion: It was concluded that the structured teaching program was effective in increasing the knowledge of students of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year and 4th year regarding Telemedicine.
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Open Access
A Quasi–Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Art Therapy on Anxiety Level among School Going Children (6-12 Years) in Selected Schools of Shimla (H.P)
Miss. Shweta Verma,
Reena Dogra
Background: Anxiety is one of the most common experiences of every school going children; it adversely affects the child’s physical and mental aspect of life. Art therapy is a specific counseling approach that helps them to understand muddled feelings and upsetting events that they have not had the chance or the skills to sort out properly. This study highlighted the effectiveness of art therapy in reducing anxiety level among school going children (6-12 years). Aim: To assess the effectiveness of art therapy on anxiety level among school going children (6-12 years) in selected schools of Shimla (H. P.). Objectives: To assess the anxiety level among school going children (6-12years) in experimental group and control group, to administer the art therapy among school going children (6-12years) in experimental group, to evaluate the effectiveness of Art therapy on anxiety level among school going children (6-12 years) in selected schools of Shimla (H. P.) and to find out the association of anxiety level among school going children (6-12 years) with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was used and research design was quasi-experimental. Data was collected by using visual facial anxiety scale. Result: The present study revealed that anxiety level among school going children (6-12years) decreased significantly after giving art therapy to experimental group but no improvement was seen in control group. Conclusion: The present study concluded that art therapy is simple, inexpensive and culturally acceptable approach that helps children in reducing anxiety and thus result in growth of child in all dimensions.
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Open Access
Knowledge Regarding Organ Donation among Students in Government Degree College Sanjauli, Shimla (H.P)
Ms. Ruchi Sharma,
Shashi Kiran
Introduction: Organ donation is one of the greatest medical marvels of the twentieth century which has saved the lives of several patients. The disparity between the huge demands for the organs and their poor supply is the main issue. The total organ donation shortage in our country can be met even if only few victims involved in fatal accidents serve as organ donors. Objectives: To assess the existing knowledge regarding organ donation among students, to determine the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding organ donation among students, to find out association between post-test knowledge scores with their selected demographic variables. Methodology: A pre-experimental study was conducted among students in Government Degree College Sanjauli, Shimla (H.P.). Sample of 60 students were selected using convenient sampling technique. Data was collected using self-structured questionnaire related to organ donation. The gathered data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study findings revealed that 42 (70%) had poor knowledge, 18 (30%) had fair knowledge and none of them had good knowledge in pre-test. In post-test 2 (3.3%) had poor knowledge, 49 (81.7%) had fair knowledge and 9 (15%) had good knowledge. The study findings also showed that there was a significant improvement in the post-test. The mean score of knowledge in pre-test was 17.30 and in post-test was 27.53 with‘t’ value 16.210 which was significant at ‘p’ <0.001. Conclusion: The study concluded that structured teaching program was effective in improving knowledge regarding organ donation among students.
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A Study to Correlate the Perceived Maternal Parenting Style and Emotional Intelligence among Adolescent Students Studying in Selected Schools of Shimla (H.P)
Miss. Pallvi,
Miss. Roop Sharma
Background: Adolescence is the most challenging part of child rearing. This is the period of many changes in the life of the adolescent. Parents play an important role in the emotional development of their child. Parenting style chosen by the parents influence the emotional intelligence of the child. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the perceived maternal parenting style and emotional intelligence, to find the relationship between perceived maternal parenting style and emotional intelligence, to find the association between perceived maternal parenting style and selected demographic variables and to find the association between emotional intelligence and selected demographic variables. Material and methods: A non-experimental correlational research study was done among 100 adolescent students selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. The tools used for the study were structured questionnaire to assess the perceived maternal parenting style and standardized emotional intelligence scale. Result: The result of the study revealed that the perceived maternal parenting style was positively correlated (r=0.579) to emotional intelligence of the adolescent students. Conclusion: The present study concluded that the parents should be demanding as well as equally responsive for the adolescents to improve their emotional health.
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Open Access
A Pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module (SIM) on knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale among staff nurses working in selected units of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Bandana Devi,
Dr Sunita Verma
Background: Traumatic injuries are important cause of morbidity and mortality around the world, and the brain trauma injury (BTI) is one of the main determinants of this panorama. The BTI has complex physio pathological mechanisms. Among non-traumatic causes of consciousness change, main causes are abscesses, brain tumour, and injuries from strokes, hydrocephalies and aneurism, among other, which are also called structure injuries. Objectives: (i) To assess the knowledge regarding Glasgow coma scale among staff nurses working in selected units of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. (iii) To assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding Glasgow Coma Scale among staff nurses working in selected units of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Shimla, H.P. (iv) To find out association of knowledge scores with selected demographic variables among staff nurses working in selected units of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Methods and Materials: Quantitative research approach was adopted by using the pre-experimental design. The sample size was 60 staff nurses working in selected units of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Shimla, H.P were selected by using convenient sampling technique. The self-structured tools consisting of socio-demographic variables of participants, knowledge questionnaire which was prepared with extensive search from various sources and validated by various experts. After conducting pre-test, Self Instructional Module was administered to the participants. Post-test was conducted after one week. Statistical analysis of the acquired data was done by calculating mean, median, mean percentage, mean difference, standard deviation, t test and chi square test. Result: The present study findings showed that in pre-test knowledge score maximum participants, i.e. 30 (50%) had below average knowledge, 29 (48.3%) had average knowledge whereas only 1 (1.7%) had above average knowledge regarding Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). In the post-test, maximum participants, i.e. 52 (86.7%) had above average knowledge, 7 (11.7%) had average knowledge and one participant, that means 1 (1.7%) had below average knowledge regarding Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) . Association of pre-test knowledge score was found to be significant with the variable i.e. age, education, experience, job status, current area of working. Association of post-test knowledge score with demographic variables i.e. experience, age was found to be significant at the 0.05 level of significance value. Conclusion: The study findings showed that the mean post-test knowledge score was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score. Hence, it can be concluded that the Self-Instructional Module was effective in improving the knowledge of the Staff Nurses regarding Glasgow Coma Scale.
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Open Access
Knowledge Regarding Integrated Child Development Scheme Among Mothers of Under Five Year Children In Selected Urban Area Boileauganj, District Shimla (H.P.)
Shweta ,
Mrs Ranjana Thakur,
Mrs Indira Marjara
Background: A mother’s role in child’s development is very essential. A mother must create a proper environment for the child to play, learn and grow. There is strong relationship between maternal education and child health outcomes. The future of a nation is shaped by the investment it makes in its children. Recognizing the importance of early childhood in the life of an individual, Government of India (GOI) launched ICDS in 2 October, 1975 to provide young children with the inputs necessary for their growth, survival and holistic development. Material &Methods: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used. Sample of 60 mothers of less than five year children were selected by using convenience sampling technique. Data was collected using self-structured knowledge questionnaire regarding Integrated Child Development Scheme. Result: The results of study revealed that, in pre-test 1(1.7%) of the teachers had good knowledge, 51(85%) had average knowledge, 8(13.3%) had poor knowledge whereas in posttest knowledge scores, 48(80%) had good knowledge, 12(20%) had average knowledge and 0 (0%) had poor knowledge. It was found that there was significant improvement in the post-test knowledge score with‘t’ value 31.226 which was significant at ‘p’ <0.001. Conclusion: Study concluded that the structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of mothers of under five year children regarding Integrated Child Development Scheme.
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Open Access
Effectiveness of Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce the Difficulty in Breathing among Patients Admitted With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla. (H.P)
Priyanka Kumari,
Mrs Vijay Pathania
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is combinations of disorders which is not fully reversible. There are two disease conditions that occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. i.e. emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Deep breathing exercises help to enhance the respiratory functions by improving ventilation, strengthen respiratory muscles, and increase endurance. Objectives (i) To assess the difficulty in breathing among patient admitted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ii)To demonstrate deep breathing exercises to patient admitted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (iii)To evaluate the effectiveness of deep breathing exercises among patients admitted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (iv)To find out the association of breathing difficulty with their selected demographic variables. Material and methods: A quasi-experimental research study was done among 60 COPD patients selected by purposive sampling technique. Standardized Modified Borg Dyspnoea scale was used for the data collection. Breathing assessment was measured in the five categories: Mild, Moderate, Severe, very severe and maximal breathlessness. Results The study findings showed that in pre-test, experimental group majority of 83.3% of COPD patients had severe, 19% had moderate and 6.7% had mild breathlessness. In pre-test control group 73.3% of COPD patients had severe and 26.7 % had moderate breathlessness. In post-test, experimental group majority of 23.3% of COPD patients had severe, 63.3% had moderate and 13.3% had mild breathlessness. In post-test control group 76.7% of COPD patients had severe, 20 % had moderate and 3.3% had mild breathlessness. Conclusion The findings of the study indicated that breathing difficulty is reduced after the administration of deep breathing exercises to the COPD patients.
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Open Access
Knowledge Regarding Covid-19 among Staff Nurses Working in Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla (H.P) in the Year 2019-2021
Miss. Priyanka Verma,
Pushpa Panwar,
Mrs. Usha Thakur
Background: COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on the world, claiming many lives. Health care workers are one of the important pillars for the sustenance of lives. Nurses are at the front line of the outbreak response of current pandemic of COVID-19 and exposed to hazards that put them at risk of infection; their knowledge regarding the pandemic have become even more crucial at this moment. Aims: to assess the Effectiveness of Information Booklet on Knowledge regarding COVID-19 among Staff Nurses working in Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Shimla (HP) Objectives: 1) To assess the level of knowledge regarding COVID-19 among staff nurses. 2) To develop and administer information booklet regarding COVID-19 among staff nurses. 3) To evaluate the effectiveness of information booklet regarding COVID-19 among staff nurses. 4) To find out the association between knowledge score among the staff nurses regarding COVID-19 with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was used and research design was pre-experimental one group pre and post test only. Data was collected by using a self-structured questionnaire. Result: The mean post- test knowledge score 21.47 is apparently higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score 15.62. Conclusion: From the study findings, it is revealed that there was significant increase in the knowledge score of the staff nurses after information booklet. Therefore, it was concluded that information booklet was highly effective in improving the knowledge of staff nurses REGARDING COVID-19.
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Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Neonatal Care among First Time Fathers in Kamla Nehru State Hospital, Shimla (H.P)
Manisha ,
Mrs. Parvati Negi
Background: Becoming a parent for the first time has a life changing impact for both the mother as well as father. First time fatherhood is a time of great change, stress and transition.During past decades fatherhood has been changed in many ways as father and children interact more with each other and now a days, fathers play an active role in caring for their child. Aim: The main aim of the study was to enhance the knowledge of first time fathers and to increase their participation in neonatal care. Objectives: To assess the pre-existing knowledge. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme and to assess the association of pre test and post knowledge score with demographic variables. Methods and materials: Quantitative approach was adopted using the pre-experimental design. The sample size was 60 first time fathers were selected by purposive sampling method. Data was collected by using self structured knowledge questionnaire. After conducting pre-test, PTP was administered to the participants. Post-test was conducted after one week. Statistical analysis of the data was done by calculating mean, median, mean percentage, mean difference, standard deviation, t test and chi square test. Result: The present study reveal that, in pre-test knowledge score maximum 40(66.7%) had moderate knowledge, whereas 3 (5%) had adequate knowledge and 17(28.3%) had inadequate knowledge. In post-test, knowledge score, maximum 52(86.7%) had adequate, 8(13.3%) had moderate knowledge and no participant, i.e. 0(0%) had inadequate knowledge. Conclusion: The mean post-test knowledge was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score. Hence, it can be concluded that the planned teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge of the first time fathers.
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Knowledge Regarding Health Promotive Services among Primary School Teachers in Selected Schools of Shimla (H.P)
Ms. Anubha Pal,
Pushpa Panwar,
Mrs. Usha Thakur
Background: One of the two major goals of Healthy People is to help individuals of all ages increase life expectancy and improve their quality of life. The concepts of health promotion and health maintenance provide interventions that contribute to meeting this goal. Health promotion and health maintenance activities are closely linked and often overlap, but there are some differences. Health maintenance focuses on known potential health risks and seeks to prevent them, or identify them early so that intervention can occur. Health promotion looks at the strengths and goals of individuals, families, and populations, and seeks to use them to assist in reaching higher levels of wellness. Methodology: A pre-experimental study was conducted in September 1, 2021 at selected schools of District Shimla (H.P). The study comprised of 40 Primary School Teachers. Non-Probability Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection. The gathered data was analyzed by calculating mean, median, mean percentage, mean difference, standard deviation, and paired t-test to find association of knowledge with selected socio-demographic variables. Result: The study finding showed that in the pre-test 17.5% primary school teachers had average knowledge, 77.5% had moderately adequate knowledge, and only 5% primary school teachers had adequate knowledge regarding Health Promotive Services. The mean post-test knowledge score 22.18 of the present study was higher than mean pre-test knowledge score 14.83 with the mean difference of 7.35. The difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge was statistically tested and it was found significant. Conclusion: From the study findings, it is revealed that there was significant increase in the knowledge scores of the school teachers after structured teaching programme. Therefore, it was concluded that Structured Teaching Program was highly effective in improving the knowledge of school teachers regarding Health Promotive Services.
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Knowledge Regarding Epilepsy Management in School Children among Teachers Working in Selected Senior Secondary Schools of District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Eisha Chandel,
Prabha Kashyap
Introduction: Children are the nation’s supremely important asset who determines the future of the nation. Any input into the health of the children today will be an investment since they are the adults of next decade. Epilepsy is the common neurological condition in the children. Most children spend nearly half their waking hours with their teachers and school personnel. It is important to consider the knowledge that teachers may have regarding childhood epilepsy and its management. Objectives: To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding epilepsy management in school children among teachers, to develop and administer the structured teaching program on knowledge regarding epilepsy management, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding epilepsy management, to find out the association between knowledge regarding epilepsy management with their selected demographic variables. Methods and material: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used. Sample of 30 teachers were selected by using convenience sampling technique. Data was collected using self-structured knowledge questionnaire regarding management of epilepsy in school children. Results: The results of study revealed that, in pre-test 0(0%) of the teachers had good knowledge, 19(63.3%) had average knowledge, 11(36.7%) had poor knowledge whereas in post-test knowledge scores, 28(93.3%) had good knowledge, 2(6.7%) had average knowledge and 0 (0%) had poor knowledge. It was found that there was significant improvement in the post-test knowledge score with ‘t’value 20.232 which was significant at ‘p’ <0.001. Conclusion: Study concluded that the structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of teachers regarding management of epilepsy in school children.
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Knowledge and Attitude Related to Human Milk Banking Among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital
Vindhya Thakur,
Mrs Prema Negi
Introduction: Breast feeding is most natural way to feed the baby. It provides nutrition and immunological support to a baby during the first six months. When the mother’s milk is not within easy reach for sick and preterm babies, pasteurized donated human breast milk is the second best. Objective: To assess the knowledge related to Human Milk Banking among Staff Nurses. To assess the attitude related to Human Milk Banking among Staff Nurses. To find out the association of knowledge score and attitude score related to Human Milk Banking with selected demographic variables. To find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude related to Human Milk Banking among Staff Nurses. Methods and materials: A descriptive study was conducted on 100 samples of staff nurses working in selected hospitals of District Shimla. The convenient sampling technique was used. A self-structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale related to human milk banking was used to collect data from the sample. Results: the results of study revealed that majority 81% staff nurses were having average knowledge whereas 11% were having poor knowledge and very few 8% were having good knowledge. Majority of staff nurses possess favorable attitude (68%) and few (32%) of them neutral attitude. There is no significance association between knowledge score and attitude score with their demographical variables (age, professional qualification, working area, year of experience, awareness and attended any workshop/training related to human milk banking). The study shows that there was a significant positive correlation(r=.064) at 0.05 level of significance between knowledge and attitude related to human milk banking. Conclusion: Results of present study showed that majority of staff nurses in our hospital were aware about human milk banking but only few of them had attended workshops/seminars related to human milk banking.
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Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Legal and Ethical Aspects in Obstetric Nursing among the Registered Nurses in Selected Govt. Hospitals at Shimla (H.P)
Upasana ,
Mrs. Pooja Rani Sood
Background: Laws can be defined as “the principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and that is applicable to its people. Ethics distinguish between right and wrong. Objectives: (i) To assess the pre-existing knowledge of nurses regarding the legal and ethical aspects in obstetric nursing among registered nurses. (ii)To develop and administered the planned teaching programme regarding legal and ethical aspects in obstetric nursing among the registered nurses. (iii)To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding legal and ethical aspects in obstetrical nursing among the registered nurses.(iv)To find out the association between pre-test knowledge score and post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Methods and materials: A pre-experimental study was conducted on 60 registered nurses were selected by convenience sampling technique. A self- structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect data. Result: Present study revealed that in pre-test knowledge score maximum 39(65%) had moderate knowledge, whereas 15(25%) had adequate knowledge and 6(10%) had inadequate knowledge. In post-test knowledge score, maximum 34(56.7%) had adequate, 26(43.3%) had moderate knowledge and no participant, i.e. 0(0%) had inadequate knowledge. It was found that pre-test knowledge score was found to be significant with source of prior information regarding legal and ethical aspects in obstetric nursing (p=0.000) at 0.05 level of significant. The post-test knowledge score was found to be significant with academic qualification (p = 0.035) at 0.05 level of significance and prior information regarding legal and ethical aspects in obstetric nursing (p=0.020) at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: The mean post-test knowledge was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score. Hence, it can be concluded that the planned teaching programme was effective.
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Knowledge Regarding Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation in Pregnant Women among Registered Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Shimla
Ms. Sangeeta Devi,
Mrs. Pooja Rani Sood
Cardiac arrest in pregnancy is one of the most difficult clinical situations. Although most features of resuscitating a pregnant woman are similar to standard adult resuscitation, several aspects and considerations are different. The most clearly difference is that there are 2 patients, mother as well as the fetus. The management of cardiac arrest in the pregnancy is considering a skill full task in emergency department as well as in delivery room, a nurse should be skill full and expert to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation on pregnant women following general advanced cardiac life support guideline. A pre-experimental study was conducted in September 2021 in selected hospitals of Shimla. One group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. Total 60 nursing personnel working in selected hospitals of Shimla (H.P.) were selected by using convenience sampling technique. A self-structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the Knowledge regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnant women. The study finding showed that the mean post test knowledge score (22.1) was higher than the mean pre test knowledge score (15.03) which were statistically significant. It was concluded that the video assisted teaching was effective in increasing the knowledge of registered nurses regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnant women.
Research Article
Open Access
Knowledge Regarding Child Abuse among Mothers of Under Five Children in Selected Community of Mashobra, Shimla, H.P.
Mamta kumari,
(Mrs.) Seema Chauhan
Introduction: Every child, anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday, has the right to live a healthy life free from violence. Each year, millions of children around the world are being the victims or witnesses of physical, sexual or emotional violence. Child abuse can be in the form of physical abuse, when the child suffers bodily harm as a result of a deliberate attempt to hurt the child, or severe discipline or physical punishment inappropriate to the child's age. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of mothers of under five children, To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding child abuse among mothers of under five children, To find out the association of knowledge score regarding child abuse among mothers of under five children with selected demographic variables. Methodology: A pre-experimental study was conducted among mothers of under five children in selected community of Mashobra, Shimla, (H.P). Sample of 60 students were selected using convenient sampling technique. Data was collected using self-structured questionnaire related to child abuse. The gathered data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study findings revealed that 20 (33.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 39 (65%) had moderate knowledge and 1 (1.7%) had adequate knowledge in pre-test. In post-test none of them having inadequate knowledge, 16(26.7%) had moderate knowledge and 44 (73.3%) had adequate knowledge. The study findings also showed that there was a significant improvement in the post-test. The mean score of knowledge in pre-test was 11.98 and in post-test was 21.75 with‘t’ value 24.807 which was significant at ‘p’= 0.05. Conclusion: The study concluded that structured teaching program was effective in improving knowledge regarding child abuse.
Research Article
Open Access
Knowledge Regarding Management of Low Birth Weight Babies among nursing personnel working in Selected Government Hospitals Shimla (H.P.)
Ms. Samriti,
Mrs. Rama Buckseth
Background: A newborn baby with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams is termed as low birth weight baby. In India, 2 out of 10 term babies are born with low birth weight. The prevalence of low birth weight exists universally in all population. Low birth weight with high mortality and morbidity becomes a major health problem in India. One third of the infant mortality is due to low birth weight. Low birth weight is also an important indirect cause of neonatal deaths. It contributes to 60% to 80% of all neonatal deaths. The global prevalence of LBW is 15.5%, which amounts to about 20 million LBW infants born each year, 96.5% of them in developing countries. Children are the basic foundation of future society so it is necessary to provide appropriate management to them. Aim: The main aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module on Knowledge of Nursing personnel regarding Management of Low Birth Weight Babies. Objectives: The objectives of present study were (i) to assess the knowledge regarding management of low birth weight babies among nursing personnel working in selected Government Hospitals Shimla, (H.P.). (ii) to develop and administer self-instructional module on knowledge regarding management of low birth weight babies among nursing personnel working in selected Government Hospitals Shimla, (H.P.). (iii) to evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding management of low birth weight babies among nursing personnel working in selected Government Hospitals Shimla, (H.P.). (iv) to find out the association of level of knowledge regarding management of low birth weight babies among nursing personnel working in selected Government Hospitals Shimla, (H.P.) with selected demographic variables. Methods and Material: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. Total 60 nursing personnel working in selected Government Hospitals Shimla (H.P.) were selected by using convenience sampling technique. A self-structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the Knowledge regarding Management of Low Birth Weight Babies. The structured knowledge questionnaire consists of demographic data profile and 30 multiple choice questions regarding Management of Low Birth Weight Babies. After conducting pre-test, self-instructional module was provided. The post-test was conducted on 7th day and the knowledge score of pre-test and post-test was compared. The gathered data was analyzed by calculating mean, mean percentage, mean difference, standard deviation, paired t-test to evaluate the knowledge score and chi square test used to find association of knowledge with selected demographic variable. Results: The study finding showed that the mean post test knowledge score (23.57) was higher than the mean pre test knowledge score (14.55) which was statistically significant. Conclusion: It was concluded that the self-instructional module was effective in increasing the knowledge of nursing personnel regarding Management of Low Birth Weight Babies.