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Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2023) | Pages 1 - 5
Plant Based Pesticide againts Armyworm (Spodoptera litura) as Soybean Pest (Glycine max L. merril)
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
May 20, 2023
June 15, 2023
July 25, 2023
Aug. 30, 2023

Soybean is the main food crop after rice and corn, has high quality, balanced and complete protein. The increase in demand for soybeans in Indonesia in 2021 will reach 2.9 million tons/year, but domestic soybean production is only able to meet 40%, which means that 60% of market demand cant be met by producers. Soybean production can be affected by a number of things, one of them is the presence of the armyworm Spodoptera litura whose damage can cause crop failure if no prevention is given, the application of plant-based pesticides is an alternative natural control currently under development, especially from vegetable extracts. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of plant extracts against S. litura. This study used papaya leaf extract, garlic, and a combination (papaya leaf extract + garlic) and the 2nd instar of S. litura. The results obtained were 20% papaya leaf extract showed the best mortality while probit analysis LC50 showed 16.90% papaya leaf extract, 20% garlic extract, and 18.60% combination.

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