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Research Article | Volume 1 Issue 1 (July-Dec, 2020)
Assessment of Water, Availability, Storage and Treatment Practices in Shimla City of Himachal Pradesh
Junior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, IGMC, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) 171001
Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India 171001
Prof & Head, Department of Community Medicine, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India 171001
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
Dec. 30, 2020
Clean potable water and sustainable sanitation with good storage and treatment practices at household level have a great impact in containment of diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A/E and other waters borne diseases. Objective: To assess water availability, storage and treatment practice sunder in Shimla City. Methodology: Population based house to house survey in randomly selected households all 34 wards using a semi structured questionnaire. Results: Total 640 households were surveyed. Majority were (71.7%) females, Hindus (97%), literate. Municipal Corporation supplied piped water was the main source of water supply (93.1%) in Shimla city. Mean water per family was 498.3+39.2 litres/day cited adequate by 61.3% with 8% having scarcity in all seasons and 16% in summers only. About one third of the participants (34.8%) still didn’t make efforts to save water while only 24.1% reused it. More than 15% faced leakage problems with old infrastructure and poor maintenance as main causes of leakage (58.4%).About 98.2%stored water; mostly in buckets and large plastic drums (80.9%) due to intermittent limited hours supply and in91.2% storage containers were covered. Around 65.0% people used to clean their container every time before use and about 58%cleaned containers with specific products. About half (49.8%) still withdraw water by dipping glass and in8.6% finger touched water. Good proportion of people (89.6%)always treat water before drinking. RO/UV filter being most common household method of water treatment (33%) followed by candle filter and boiling; 32% and 22% respectively. Conclusions: Water availability was good mostly got water from Municipal Corporation supplied piped connection with problems of leakages owed to old infrastructures and poor maintenance which needs a planned solution Water scarcity in summers with reluctancy in saving and reusing water still prevails. Water storage and household drinking water treatment practices were good with problem of withdrawing water by dipping glass in the containers and hand touching the water surface. Extensive IEC activities are needed to increase people’s awareness about water saving reuse and water withdrawing practices.
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