Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2023) | Pages 1 - 8
Impact of Plant Transfer Age and GA3 Consentration on Growth and Yield of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Sonar Varieties
Department of Agrotechnology, Study Program, National Development University "Veteran" East Java, Jl. Rungkut Madya No. 1, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya 60294, Indonesia
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
July 5, 2023
July 25, 2023
Aug. 20, 2023
Sept. 12, 2023

The important role of cayenne pepper as a type of vegetable in Indonesian agricultural commodities, with significant economic value and high demand . The consumption of cayenne pepper is increasing from year to year, but the supply is scarce or erratic, which is one of the causes that causes the price of cayenne pepper to fluctuate on the market. One of the alternative efforts to increase the production of cayenne pepper is through the use of agricultural cultivation engineering that combines the age of transplanting with the provision of ZPT. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the optimal time for transplanting cayenne pepper ( Capsicum frustescens L.) and the optimal concentration of GA3 in influencing the growth and yield of these plants so as to increase the productivity of cayenne pepper. This research was carried out in August-December 2022 in Bogi Village, Sukodono District, Sidoarjo. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with two factors, namely the age of transplanting and the concentration of GA3 with 9 treatment combinations repeated 3 times. The first factor is the age of transplanting, while the second factor is the GA3 concentration. The results showed that there was an interaction between transplanting age and GA3 concentration vegetative and generative research variables . Age move planting 21 HSS and GA3 concentration of 200 ppm get results best on variables study tall plants , quantity leaves , quantity interest , amount total fruit per plant , and weight total fruit per plant.

Important Note

Key findings:

The study found that transplanting cayenne pepper at 21 days after sowing (HSS) combined with a GA3 concentration of 200 ppm resulted in optimal growth and yield. This combination significantly improved plant height, leaf count, flower count, total fruit per plant, and total fruit weight per plant.


What is known and what is new?

Cayenne pepper has high economic value and demand in Indonesia, but inconsistent supply leads to price fluctuations. Existing methods to boost production include agricultural techniques and growth regulators like GA3. Transplanting cayenne pepper at 21 days after sowing with 200 ppm GA3 significantly enhances growth and yield, improving plant height, leaf count, flower count, and total fruit per plant, providing a specific strategy to stabilize supply and reduce price fluctuations.


What is the implication, and what should change now?

The study's findings suggest that optimizing transplanting age and GA3 concentration can significantly enhance cayenne pepper productivity. This can lead to more stable supply and reduced price fluctuations, benefiting both farmers and consumers. Farmers should adopt the practice of transplanting cayenne pepper at 21 days after sowing and using a GA3 concentration of 200 ppm. Agricultural policies and extension services should promote these techniques to improve productivity and market stability.


Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frustescens L.) is a group of vegetable plants which are the main commodity in Indonesia and have high economic value. This plant originates from the American continent and is widespread in tropical and subtropical areas. Even though the size of cayenne pepper is small, it has a very spicy taste. Indonesian people like chilies which are processed into chili sauce as an accompaniment to daily food side dishes because their spicy taste increases appetite and appetite. Chilli cayenne contain a number compound bioactives that have effect positive to health. According to Rosmainar et al., ( 2018) [1] composition nutrition base covers carbohydrates , fiber , protein, fat, vitamins (A, D3, E, C, K, B2, and B12), minerals (Ca, P, Fe), and compounds metabolites secondary capsaicin . Plus , Cayenne pepper also has mark significant economy for farmers in Indonesia. Plant chilli cayenne give opportunity good income for farmers , especially for those who have suitable land For cultivation chilli cayenne .


Consumption chilli Cayenne pepper in Indonesia reached 1.43 kg per person in 2018 and is increasing become around 1.46 kg per person in 2019. Meanwhile , demand to chilli cayenne Keep going increase along with growth resident . Looking at the data , you can concluded that consumption chilli cayenne rising from year to year , however supply rare or No erratic . circumstances This be one driving factor rise price chilli red on the market There is a number causative factor turmoil price chilli including specialties season production chili , factor weather like rain , production costs , and length track distribution [2]. For guard continuity production chilli cayenne pepper in Indonesia, important for government, researchers , and farmers For Work The same in development technology innovative agriculture , training _ farmers , as well strengthening system efficient marketing and distribution . With effort collaborative here , chili cayenne will Keep going become commodity Indonesian flagship that delivers benefit economic and culinary significance for Indonesian society . U sah in enhancement productivity plant chilli cayenne ie can through manipulation technology cultivation plant chilli form variation age move planting and giving substance regulator grow .


Connection between plant chilli cayenne with age move Different cropping is very important in determine growth and productivity. The age of transplanting, which refers to the time when cayenne pepper seedlings are transferred from the nursery to the main cultivation area, can affect root system development, vegetative growth, and flower and fruit formation. More planting fast makes it easier plant to adapt to environment so that growth plant smooth and productive growth more vegetative profitable . When moving plant done at the time day Still light , plant own more time A little For nurse growth vegetative and mobile more fast towards the generative stage . Apart from type plants and cultivars , conditions move Proper planting is also determined by circumstances environment local in the area place plant the moved as well as technique its cultivation [3]. because it’s election age move Proper planting is very important For reach results optimal and guaranteed harvest balanced growth and development in plants Cayenne pepper.


Enhancement cultivation plant chilli cayenne besides done with influence age move plant seeds is with gift substance regulator grow , for one with treatment gibberellins (GA ). Role of gbreellin in the flowering process that is accelerating initiation interest, fix quantity and quality flower. Too much loss critical can resulted low production even can cause fail harvest [4].


Age moment do move cropping and concentration of GA3 is factor significant impact on production plant chilli cayenne . For increase growth and yield plants , recommended For do move plant at the right time in accordance with stages growth plants and uses appropriate concentration of GA3 with need plant . Therefore so needed done study about “ impact age transfer plants and concentrations of GA3 against growth and yield chilli cayenne ( Capsicum frutescens L.) sonar variety ”.



This research carried out in Bogi Village, Sukodono District, Sidoarjo in August - December 2022 using polybag media. Sidoarjo City is a low area with an average height of 3 meters above sea level . Research This using a lat namely tub seedbed , gembor , plastic clear , tight , hand sprayer , meter , stirrer , bucket, water, scale 

analytics , hoes , scissors cut sterile , period shove , tool write , and camera . Materials used is seed plant chilli cayenne Sonar variety , Gibberellins Gibgro material active Gibberellic Acid 10%, cocopeat, ground plant , fertilize cage and charcoal husks , NPK fertilizer (16:16:16), pesticides For control pests and diseases form fungicide Antracol and Demolish Insecticide , water , polybag 35 x 35 cm, label, string raffia . The experimental design used a factorial design based on a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 2 factors and was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the age of transplanting (U) with HSS units (days after sowing) which consists of 3 treatment levels and the second factor is concentration (G) which consists of 3 treatment levels. In this experiment, 9 treatment combinations were obtained and there were 27 experimental units as in . For each combination, 3 plant samples were observed, resulting in 81 plants in the experimental unit.

The first factor is the age of transplanting (U) with 4 levels, namely:

  • U1 = Seedling age 14 HSS

  • U2 = Seedling age 21 HSS

  • U3 = Seedling age 28 HSS

The second factor is concentration (G) which consists of 3 levels of concentration, namely:

  • G1 = 100 ppm per plant

  • G2 = 200 ppm per plant

  • G3 = 300 ppm per plant

Analysis results print variances indicating significant differences further tests were carried out using the Significant Difference Test Smallest (BNT) at 5% level with linear model :

Yijk = µ + ρk + αi + βj + (αβ)ij + ∈ ijk

                      Implementation in study This consists from nursery seed chilli cayenne pepper , preparation of planting media and land research , implementation move planting (transplanting), giving treatment research (App GA3), maintenance (irrigation , replanting , weeding , fertilization as well as control pest disease) and harvest .

There is a number of variable observations used in research This covers tall plants (cm), amount leaves (strands), amount interest (interest), amount total fruit harvest ( fruit ) and total fruit weight harvest (grams) .


lant height

A very real interaction was shown from the results of the analysis of variance, namely the combination treatment between the age of transplanting and the concentration on the height of the cayenne pepper at the ages of 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 and 98 HST (days after planting). Table 1. shows that the combination of treatments at the age of transplanting at 28 HSS with a concentration of 300 ppm (U3G3) showed the highest height of cayenne pepper plants at ages 28 and 42 DAP of 33.13 and 56.23 cm, while the lowest height of cayenne pepper plants at age 28 and 42 HST, namely in the treatment combination of 14 HST transplanting age and 300 ppm concentration of 19.48 and 33.67 cm. At the age of 28 HST the combination of the treatment age of transplanting 28 HSS with a concentration of 300 ppm was significantly different from all other treatment combinations, except for the combination of the treatment of transplanting age of 28 HSS with a concentration of 200 ppm. Likewise, at the age of 42 HST the combination of treatments at the age of transplanting at 28 DAS with a concentration of 300 ppm was significantly different from all other treatment combinations.


The combination of treatments at the age of transplanting at 21 HSS and a concentration of 200 ppm (U2G2) in Table 1 shows the highest plant height of cayenne pepper at the age of 56 DAP (68.52 cm), 70 DAP (86.57 cm), 84 DAP (97.43 cm), and 98 HST (112 cm). The average observed results for the lowest cayenne pepper plant height were shown in the combination of the treatment at the age of transplanting 14 DAP and a concentration of 100 ppm at the age of 56 DAP (57.46 cm), 70 DAP (61.56 cm), 84 DAP (73.11 cm ), and 98 HST (85.10 cm). At the ages of 56, 70, 84, and 98 DAP the combination of treatments at the age of transplanting at 28 DAS with a concentration of 300 ppm was significantly different from all other treatment combinations.


With a transplanting age of 21 days, cayenne pepper seedlings had greater plant height than the others. This is because this age is the right age for transplanting. Transplanting can be carried out reduces root surface area and removes root hairs that are more dominant in absorbing water. The roots of plant seeds that have adapted to their environment will grow and develop by elongating and spreading. With root formation, nutrient and water absorption increases, which positively supports the process of plant photosynthesis and photosynthesis translocation to all plant organs. Photosynthate translocation in stems stimulates cell division and elongation, especially at the shoot tips of plants. In accordance with the statement of Arif et al., (2014) [5], the results of photosynthesis in the vegetative stage are then translocated to important plant parts as indicators of plant growth.


Results of concentration treatment research There was a significant effect on plant height observed after treatment with GA3 concentration . It is suspected that treatment with a GA3 concentration of 200 ppm can increase the height of cayenne pepper plants due to the unique physiological effects of GA given through spraying. This effect occurs because there is cambium activity in the internodes, so that plants that receive treatment have a greater height than normal plants. This increase in stem length is caused by cambium activity and increased mitosis in the sub-apical meristem area of the stem, which causes an increase in the number of cells in each internode. This rapid increase in cell number results in faster stem growth, and results in longer stems. Usually, this response is seen in the form of an increase in the length of the internodes, while the number of internodes formed generally does not increase [6]. The same research conducted by Deden, (2016)  [7] stated that giving cayenne pepper plants gave them the highest plant height compared to without spraying .


Table 1 . Average Plant Height Cayenne pepper (cm) on the combination Treatment Age Cultivation and Concentration .


Age of Moving Planting

Plant Height (cm)

GA3 concentration


(100 ppm)


(200 ppm)


(300 ppm)

28 HST

U1 (14HSS)

20.40 ab

23.47 cd

7:48 p.m

U2 ( 21HSS)

25.73 de

25.78 de

21.89 bc

U3 (28HSS)


30.93 fg



BNT 5%


42 HST

U1 (14HSS)

34.40 a.m


33.67 a

U2 ( 21HSS)

39.18 b


33.73 a

U3 (28HSS)

38.78 b

43.83 cds

56.23 e


BNT 5%


56 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

57.46 a

65.46 d

59.07 ab

U2 ( 21HSS)

61.10 bc

68.52 e

64.60 d

U3 (28 HSS)

57.83 a

61.51 c

61.83 c


BNT 5%


70 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

61.56 a



U2 ( 21HSS)



82.43 e

U3 (28HSS)

72.30 c

76.17 d

77.63 d


BNT 5%


84 HST

U1 (14HSS)




U2 ( 21HSS)

90.67 e

97.43 g

98.27 f

U3 (28 HSS)

81.77 c

89.96 e

86.50 d


BNT 5%


98 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

85.10 a


93.57 c

U2 (21 HSS)

104.63 e

112.00 f

103.43 e

U3 (28 HSS)

88.54 b

98.80 d

93.80 c


BNT 5%



Note:      The average of the same letter notation at the same observation age does not show a significant difference in the 5% BNT test; HSS=Day After Sowing; HST = Days After Transplanting.


Number of Leaves (Strands)

The combination treatment between transplanting age and concentration GA_3had a very significant interaction on the yield of cayenne pepper leaves at ages 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 and 98 DAP. Table 4.3 shows that the combination of the treatment at transplanting age of 28 HSS with a concentration of GA_3200 ppm (U3G2) showed the highest number of leaves of cayenne pepper plants at all ages of observation, as well as the lowest number of leaves of cayenne pepper plants, namely the combination of treatments of transplanting age of 14 HSS and concentration of 100 GA_3ppm (U1G1) at all ages of observation. At the age of 28 HST the combination of the treatment age of transplanting 28 HSS with a concentration of GA_3200 ppm was significantly different from all other treatment combinations, except for the combination of the treatment of age of transplanting 28 HSS with a concentration of GA_3100 ppm (U3G1) and the combination of treatments of transplanting age of 28 HSS with a concentration of GA_3300 ppm (U3G3).


Observation results: The number of leaves aged 42 and 56 HST in the combination of treatments at 28 DAP with a concentration of 200 ppm (U3G2) had significant differences in all other treatment combinations. At the age of 70 - 98 DAT, the treatment combination of 28 DAP transplanting age with a concentration of 200 ppm showed significantly different results from all other treatment combinations, except for the treatment combination of 21 DAP transplanting age with a concentration of 200 ppm (U2G2).


Table 2 . Yield Average Number of Plant Leaves Cayenne pepper ( strands ) on the combination Treatment Age Cultivation and Concentration .


Age of Moving Planting

Number of Leaves (strands)

GA3 concentration


(100 ppm)


(200 ppm)


(300 ppm)

28 HST

U1 (14HSS)

21.22 a.m

11:33 p.m

25.23 b

U2 ( 21HSS)

29.10 c



U3 (28HSS)

37.13 e

37.30 e

36.56 de


BNT 5%


42 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

48.33 a

51.22 a

52.47 a

U2 (21 HSS)

84.60 c

71.32 b

54.33 a

U3 (28 HSS)

81.21 c

98.17 d

84.22 c


BNT 5%


56 HST

U1 (14HSS)

88.67 a


97.22 ab

U2 (21 HSS)

120.33 c

161.67 e

96.23 ab

U3 (28 HSS)

118.27 c

143.13 d

126.89 c


BNT 5%


70 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

121.93 a

144.70 bc

136.63 ab

U2 (21 HSS)

155.13 c

188.03 d

137.17 b

U3 (28 HSS)

157.13 c

185.60 d

153.67 c


BNT 5%


84 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

142.23 a

168.10 c

155.17 b

U2 (21 HSS)

178.13 d

202.07 e

162.80 bc

U3 (28 HSS)

171.33 cds

201.87 e

168.22 c


BNT 5%


98 HST

U1 (14 HSS)

169.5 a

186.13 b

171.67 a

U2 (21 HSS)



184.23 b

U3 (28 HSS)

188.50 b




BNT 5%



Note: The mean   number with the same letter at the same observation age shows that it is not significantly different in the 5% BNT test; HSS=Days After Sowing; HST=Days After Transplanting.


Treatment with a transplanting age of 21 days had a significant impact on the research variable for leaf number. This can be explained by the adaptation of plants to their environment at that age, which stimulates maximum vegetative growth. In this case, an increasing number of leaves are formed, as well as an increase in the number of stomata. Stomata play a role in the absorption of CO in plants for photosynthesis. By having more stomata on the leaves, plants can absorb CO more efficiently. This affects the photosynthetic activity of plants, resulting in increased photosynthate production. Higher levels of photosynthate production then stimulate cell division and development in plants, which contributes to an increase in the number of leaves produced. According to Harjono, ( 1996) [8] The number of leaves formed during plant growth has a close correlation with plant resource allocation. This indicates the ability of seedlings to adapt to their environment and their efficiency in utilizing nutrients, water and CO2 to carry out photosynthesis. With an increase in the number of leaves, plants can increase their capacity to absorb and utilize the available resources for photosynthesis.


Total Interest Amount (Interest)

The interaction was very real in the analysis of variance (Anova) showing that the combination treatment between transplanting age and concentration affected the total number of flowers of cayenne pepper plants. The results of observing the total number of flowers on cayenne pepper plants in Table 3 show that the highest results were achieved by the combination of transplanting age treatment of 21 HSS and a concentration of 200 ppm (U2G2), namely 194.62 flowers.


Table 3 . Average Number of Total Flowers ( flowers ) of Plants Cayenne pepper on Combination Treatment Age Cultivation and Concentration .

Age of Moving Planting

Average - Average Amount of Interest (Interest)

GA3 concentration

G1 (100 ppm)

G2 (200ppm)

G3 (300ppm)

U1 (14 HSS)


137.60 c


U2 (21 HSS)

174.22 d

194.62 g

187.50 f

U3 (28 HSS)

173.22 d

188.45 f

179.22 e

BNT 5%



Note: Numbers with the same letter notation for the same treatment are not significantly different in the 5% BNT test; HSS = Days after sowing.


A concentration of 200 ppm is also thought to be able to stimulate flowering. Gibberellin has an effect on the flowering of cayenne pepper plants, which is used to stimulate the initiation of flowering. The concentration of 200 ppm gibberellin is the right concentration to stimulate the formation of flowers in large numbers when compared to other treatments. Ouzounidou et al., (2010) [9] stated that the increase in the number of flowers occurred due to the optimal concentration of gibberellins used for plant needs in increasing flower appearance and reducing flower and fruit abscission. Salmah, (2019) [10] stated that the use of GA3 in plants can stimulate proteolytic enzymes to produce tryptophan compounds which act as auxin precursors. The increase in auxin concentration caused by this will inhibit the process of flower shedding, which in turn prevents the formation of flower abscission zones. This effect results in the cessation of interest accrual before the appropriate period. according to research by Yasmin et al., (2014) [11] application during flowering can increase the percentage of fruit set compared to no application on large chili plants.


Amount Total Fruit Per Plant ( Fruit )

The results of the combination treatment between transplanting age and concentration on the total number of fruit per cayenne pepper plant showed a very significant interaction in the analysis of variance. Table 4 shows that the highest total number of fruit per plant was shown by the combination of the 21 HSS transplanting age treatment with a concentration of 200 ppm (U2G2), namely 183.33 fruit. This result was significantly different from the combination of transplanting age treatments and other concentrations . However , the lowest total number of fruit per plant was shown by the combination of the transplanting age treatment of 14 HSS and a concentration of 300 ppm (U1G3), namely 102.67 fruit.


Table 4 . Average Number Total fruit per plant ( fruit ) Plant Cayenne pepper in Combinations Treatment Age Cultivation and Concentration .


Planting Age

Average Number of Fruits (Fruit)

GA3 concentration

G1 (100ppm)

G2 (200ppm)

G3 (300 ppm)

U1 (14 HSS)

104.33 a

127.58 b

102.67 a

U2 (21 HSS)

164.33 c

183.33 f

174.00 e

U3 (28 HSS)

163.40 c

172.67 de

165.33 cds

BNT 5%



Note: Numbers with the same letters and the same treatment show no significant difference in the 5% BNT test; HSS=Day After Sowing.


Providing 200 ppm treatment can increase the total number of fruit per plant. This factor occurs because gibberellins have the ability to increase auxin accumulation, which causes increased fruit retention and an increase in the number of fruits on the plant. In accordance study Taiz et al., (2015) [12] explained that growth and cell division in flowers and fruit causes an increase in auxin storage. The higher the level of auxin storage, the greater the ability of the fruit to move assimilate into the fruit and not experience shedding. appropriate gibberellin concentration . In line with the statement of Sundahri et al., (2016) [13] that giving gibberellins directly at the right concentration according to plant needs has an effective effect. The use of gibberellins with concentrations and frequencies that are too low will not have a significant effect, using more concentrations and frequencies can provide obstacles to the growth and production of cayenne pepper plants.


Weight Total Fruit Per Plant (g)

A very significant effect was shown by the analysis of variance that the total fruit weight per plant in the single treatment of planting age gave a significant effect, likewise the single concentration treatment had a very significant effect on the total fruit weight per plant of cayenne pepper. The results of observing the total fruit weight per plant in Table 5. show that if the treatment at transplanting age was 21 HSS, the total fruit weight per plant of cayenne pepper was the heaviest, namely 413.54 grams. These results were significantly different from the age of transplanting 14 and 28 HST with the lowest total fruit weight per plant of cayenne pepper, namely the treatment of transplanting age 14 DAS of 212.09 grams. Treatment with a concentration of 200 ppm produced the heaviest total fruit weight per plant of cayenne pepper (369.34 grams), this result was significantly different from other concentration treatments. The lowest total fruit weight per plant of cayenne pepper was at a concentration of 300 ppm (240.23 grams).


Table 5 . Average Weight Total Fruit per Plant (g) Plant Cayenne pepper on Treatment Age Cultivation and Concentration .


Total Fruit Weight (grams)

Age of Moving Planting


U1 (14HSS)


U2 (21HSS)


U3 (28HSS)


BNT 5%


GA3 concentration


100 ppm

266.92 a

200 ppm


300 ppm

240.23 a

BNT 5%


Note: The average number with the same letter notation in the same treatment shows no significant difference in the 5% BNT test; HSS=Days After Sowing.


When the transplanting age was 21 days, there was a significant effect on fruit density per plant. At this age, plant organs such as roots increase in number, especially in terms of root hair growth. Nutrients and water are absorbed by plants through root hairs. The transplanting age of 21 days also results in the formation of many leaves, which supports the smooth process of photosynthesis. An efficient photosynthesis process causes increased photosynthate production. According to Simanjuntak et al., (2012) [14] increasing photosynthate production contributes to increasing fruit weight. With more photosynthate production, the amount of carbohydrates produced also increases. These carbohydrates are stored in storage tissue, as well as in the fruit, which causes an increase in fruit weight.


The results of the study also stated that it was suspected that a concentration of 200 ppm could increase the enlargement of fruit cells in cayenne pepper plants. Cell division and enlargement can lead to an increase in total fruit weight per plant. This is in line with the opinion of Harahap, (2012) [15], who stated that giving gibberellin in high doses can cause gigantism, which has the effect of increasing growth several times and affecting cell enlargement and division. In accordance with research conducted (Yeni & Mulyani, 2014) [16], a concentration of 200 ppm was able to increase the production of red chili plants by 141.25 grams compared to without it only producing red chili production of 52.5 grams.

  1. There is interaction to combination treatment age move plant 21 HSS with concentration 200 ppm against growth and yield plant chilli cayenne ( Capsicum frutescens L.).

  2. Treatment age move plant 21 HSS and concentration 200 ppm gain results best on variables study tall plants , quantity leaves , quantity interest , amount total fruit per plant , and weight total fruit per plant .

Conflict of Interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.




 No funding sources 



Ethical approval:

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Universitas Negeri Makassar

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