Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2023) | Pages 1 - 8
Sweet Corn Hair Extract's Ability to Prevent the Sanitization of a Milk Storage Room
Department of Animal Products Technology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, West Java, 40132 Indonesia
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, West Java, 40132 Indonesia
Study Program of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, West Java, 40132 Indonesia
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
Aug. 15, 2023
Aug. 30, 2023
Sept. 25, 2023
Oct. 11, 2023

Because corn silk extract includes antibacterial components, it can be used as a natural disinfectant. The purpose of this study is to identify the concentration of corn silk extract that has the greatest impact on reducing the number of colonies and the bacterial inhibitory power in the milk storage room. Corn silk extract is a natural disinfectant. The research was carried out between April and June 2022 at the Tandangsari Multi-Business Cooperative and the Padjadjaran University Microbiology and Waste Handling Laboratory in Tanjungsari. This investigation was carried out experimentally using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments: P0 (0 percent), P1 (50 percent), P2 (70 percent), and P3 (90 percent), with 5 replications for each. Bacterial inhibition and a decline in bacterial population were the variables seen. The findings of this study indicate that maize silk extract naturally lowers colony counts and inhibits bacterial activity. With an average percentage of 70.77 percent on the floor, 77.97 percent on the table, and 19.53 mm for gram-positive bacteria and 8.43 mm for gram-negative bacteria, a concentration of 70 percent is the concentration that significantly reduces the number of colonies and inhibits bacterial growth.

Important Note

Key findings:

The article explores castor plant agriculture, highlighting its origins, adaptability, and economic potential. Key findings include optimal growing conditions, effective propagation techniques, and factors influencing successful cultivation. The versatility of Ricinus communis in industry, medicine, and cosmetics underscores its significance as a valuable resource.


What is known and what is new?

Castor plant (Ricinus communis) agriculture originates from tropical Africa and is valued for its seeds, which produce castor oil. The plant is adaptable to various soils and climates and has diverse applications in industry, medicine, and cosmetics. The article provides updated insights into optimal growing conditions, effective propagation techniques, and factors affecting successful cultivation of castor plants, enhancing understanding of its agricultural potential and economic significance.


What is the implication, and what should change now?

The versatility and adaptability of the castor plant highlight its potential as a valuable agricultural resource with significant economic benefits. Understanding optimal growing conditions and effective propagation techniques can enhance its cultivation and yield. Farmers and agricultural stakeholders should adopt the latest practices and techniques for growing castor plants to maximize their potential. Increased focus on research and development can further improve cultivation methods and expand its industrial, medicinal, and cosmetic applications.


Sanitation surrounding the environment _ room milk reservoir includes sanitation air, floor, table, walls, and ceiling [1]. Disinfection process For sanitation room chemistry synthetic. Chemicals _ synthetic own excess that is can reduce bacteria quickly, but also lack that is formation residual and challenging to decompose [2]. As a result, it's necessary to utilize fewer synthetic chemicals and more natural substances.


Although maize is widely grown, very few people use silk, which they view as a waste [3]. Corn silk contains flavonoids and steroids or triterpenoids [4,5]. Chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, saponins, phytosterols, essential oils, resins, sugars, allantoin, and tannins are among the substances found in corn silk [6]. Minerals Ca, K, Mg, N, and Zn are present in corn silk. Corn silk also contains hormones, steroids, vitamins, and carbs [7,8].


Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as gram-negative bacteria like Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri, Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhi, and Salmonella paratyphi can all be prevented from growing by using corn silk as an antibacterial. The components of corn silk have antimicrobial properties. For example, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, two gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, can both grow more slowly as a result [9].


Due to flavonoids' suppression of DNA and RNA production, sweet corn hair has a preference for the gram-positive bacteria it prefers to assault [10]. In order to prevent the growth of S. aureus and E. coli, the tannins included in sweet corn can enter bacterial cells that have been destroyed by saponins and flavonoids. For E. coli and S. aureus, the inhibitory zone diameters are 20 mm and 18 mm, respectively. In another study, sweet corn extract was tested at concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 mg/ml. The results showed that the concentrations of ethanol solvent with sweet corn extract at 10 and 15 mg/ml had a natural effect on preventing bacterial growth [11].


Comparatively to 65 and 75 percent ethanol, 70 percent ethanol solvent is the ideal concentration for dissolving flavonoid compounds [12]. With ethanol, which has a concentration above 70%, total flavonoids decrease [13]. According to research by Nurani et al. (2022) [14], the antibacterial activity of corn hair ethanol extract increased with increasing the concentration of the extract used. The concentrations tested were 10 %, 20 %, 30%, 40 %, 50%, 60 %, 70 %, 80 %, and 90 % with five repetitions each. A larger zone of bacterial inhibition width was visible in maize silk extracts with greater ethanol content. With concentrations >70%, the antibacterial activity of corn hair ethanol extract against S. aureus reduced.


This study aims to determine whether sweet corn hair extract can act as a natural disinfectant by lowering bacterial counts and bacterial inhibitory power in milk storage rooms. It also aims to determine the concentration of corn hair extract that has the greatest impact on lowering bacterial counts and bacterial inhibitory power in milk storage rooms.


Sanitation of the air, floor, table, walls, and ceiling is included in the sanitation of the environment room milk reservoir [1]. Synthetic sanitation room disinfection procedure. Chemicals are manmade and have an excess that can quickly eliminate microorganisms, but also a shortage that makes them difficult to breakdown [15]. As a result, it's necessary to utilize fewer synthetic chemicals and more natural substances.


Even though maize is commonly farmed, very few people use it since they consider it to be a waste [16]. Flavonoids, steroids, and triterpenoids are present in corn silk [4,5]. Chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, saponins, phytosterols, essential oils, resins, sugars, allantoin, and tannins are among the substances found in corn silk [6]. Minerals Ca, K, Mg, N, and Zn are present in corn silk. Corn silk also contains hormones, steroids, vitamins, and carbs [7,8].


Gram-positive bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can't grow in the presence of corn silk, whereas gram-negative bacteria like Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri, Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhi, and Salmonella paratyphi can. Corn silk contains substances that have antimicrobial properties. It specifically has the ability to stop the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria like Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus [9].


Due to flavonoids' suppression of DNA and RNA production, sweet corn hair has a preference for the gram-positive bacteria it prefers to assault [10]. In order to prevent the growth of S. aureus and E. coli, the tannins included in sweet corn can enter bacterial cells that have been destroyed by saponins and flavonoids. For E. coli and S. aureus, the inhibitory zone diameters are 20 mm and 18 mm, respectively. In another study, sweet corn extract was tested at concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 mg/ml. The results showed that the concentrations of ethanol solvent with sweet corn extract at 10 and 15 mg/ml had a natural effect on preventing bacterial growth [11].


Comparatively to 65 and 75 percent ethanol, 70 percent ethanol solvent is the ideal concentration for dissolving flavonoid compounds [12]. With ethanol, which has a concentration above 70%, total flavonoids decrease [13]. According to research by Nurani et al. (2022) [14], the antibacterial activity of corn hair ethanol extract increased with increasing the concentration of the extract used. The concentrations tested were 10 %, 20%, 30 %, 40 %, 50 %, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% with five repetitions each. A larger zone of bacterial inhibition width was visible in maize silk extracts with greater ethanol content. A larger zone of bacterial inhibition width was visible in maize silk extracts with greater ethanol content. With concentrations >70%, the antibacterial activity of corn hair ethanol extract against S. aureus reduced.


This study aims to determine whether sweet corn hair extract can act as a natural disinfectant by lowering bacterial counts and bacterial inhibitory power in milk storage rooms. It also aims to determine the concentration of corn hair extract that has the greatest impact on lowering bacterial counts and bacterial inhibitory power in milk storage rooms.


Experimental sections

Material that will use in the study is as follows: sweet corn, which is harvested at the age of around 70-83 days after planting (HST). Corn silk was obtained in the region of Jatinangor, Sumedang. Ethanol 70%, Alcohol 96%, Nutrients agar (NA)Lactose Broth


Research methods        

Study The number of bacteria was suitably determined by RODAC (Replicate Organism Direct Contact), and the disc method was used to measure bacterial inhibition. Three various concentrations of hair extract from corn, including 50 percent, 70 percent, and 90 percent, were examined.Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

The design test used is Design Random Complete 4 treatments with each 5 times repetition :

    P0 = Extract hair corn 0%, (control)

 P1 = Extract hair corn 50%

    P2 = Extract hair corn 70% 

    P3 = Extract hair corn 90%


The parameters observed in study this is as following :

1.Initial number bacteria =

2. The number of bacteria in the milk storage room on the floor and table was measured after spraying

3. Reducing the number of bacteria using the Lukman and Purnawarman formula, ( 2008)

4. Inhibitory Power Bacteria


Research procedure       

Preparation of Hair Extraction Corn, Making Corn Hair Extract, Preparing Nutrient Agar Media, Measuring the Number of Bacteria. The RODAC method was used to calculate the quantity of bacteria present on the floor of the milk storage room. This technique determines the number of microorganisms on flat surfaces like tables and floors.

  1. Create reliable NA media.

  2. Place the petri dish on the table and floor for 5 - 10 seconds and cover it with the lid so that those in contact with the surface facing towards on.

  3. Spray the floor with extracted hair corn, which has entered the spray bottle.

  4. Stick the agar on the table and floor that have been treated so that it remains in contact with the floor for 5 - 10 seconds.

  5. Close the cup and incubate for 48 O'clock at 30 - 32℃ on an incubator. The cup  

position is not reversed.

  1. Repeat the procedure on every concentration. Extract hair corn gradually on the table and floor before cleaning, the table and floor after cleaning without disinfectant, and the table and floor after cleaning with disinfectant. Growth microbes were observed and calculated.

Colonies growing on NA media were observed using Gram staining after being obtained Gram-positive and harmful bacteria predominantly grow in Petri dishes, followed by measurement of bacterial inhibitory power

  1. 13 grams lactose Broth save in tube Erlenmeyer plus 1000 ml of distilled water.

  2. The solution is heated over low heat using a hot plate stirrer and stirred until homogeneous.  Close the Erlenmeyer tube and sterilize it using an autoclave for 15 minutes at a temperature 121℃.

  3. take gram-positive and negative bacteria that have grown on media NA with ose, then put it in the solution lactose Broth.

  4. Incubate the bacteria for 24 hours in an incubator and observe changes in lactose Broth become cloudy.

  5. Enter 1 ml of gram-positive and negative bacteria into a test tube containing 15 ml of NA at a temperature of 50℃.

  6. Pour the nutrient agar containing the bacteria into a sterile petri dish and leave it until it solidifies.


Measurement of Bacterial Inhibitory Power 

Power activity resistor bacteria extract hair corn be measured using Kirby-Bauer or method diffusion paper disc.

  1. Keep paper disc in solution and extract hair corn on each concentration. For 5 minutes, then drain.

  2. Put paper disc (diameter 6 mm) on Petri dishes containing NA solution and gram-positive bacteria, carried out the same way for gram-negative bacteria.

  3. Incubate the plate for 24 O'clock at a temperature of 37℃.

  4. Count Power inhibitory use period shove.



The number of bacteria in the milk storage room. Results data observation of the number of bacteria room storage milk before and after disinfection by extracting hair corn sweet can be seen in Table 1.


Table 1. Average Number Bacteria before treatment, after Treatment and Tukey Test result to decline the number of Bacteria







P0 P0 '


P1 P1 '


P2 P2 '



P3 P3 '

Total bacteria table count

 (…x 10 cfu /cm)

2.31 1.67

1.37 0.78

1.85 0.35

1.88 1.18


Total Decline bacteria 

table count (%)










Total bacteria floor count

(..x 10 cfu /cm)


Total Decline bacteria 

floor count (%)


2.85 2.12



1.63 1.11



1.52 4.18



1.78 1.27





Description : Same letters _ toward Horizontal show treatment No own significant difference at α 0.05 .

  P0   = Before given extract hair corn 0%, ( control )

        P0'  = After given extract hair corn 0%, ( control )

        P1   = Before given extract hair corn 50%

        P1' = After given extract hair corn 50% 

P2   = Before given extract hair corn 70%

P2'  = After given extract hair corn 70% 

P3   = Before given extract hair corn 90%

P3'  = After given extract hair corn 90%


Decline Number of   Bacteria On The Table

Percentage decline number bacteria on the table own more value _ big If compared to with decline number bacteria on the floor room milk storage. This thing is allegedly Because floor room milk storage has many more bacteria. Influencing factors activity disinfectant for kill corpse small in size, composition and quantity corpse subtle concentrated substance, exposure time, temperature and environment around [17]. According to [18], high levels of microorganisms will lower Work disinfectant. Number The bacteria present are also affected by activity in room milk storage. Contamination of the milk room is possible. There is a consequence for workers who leave the room: the presence of a blower or circulation air that is not closed, spilled milk, or contamination tools that have not been sanitized with clean Sumoprastowo (2000) [19] stated that contamination bacteria in milk can originate from cows, air, environment, humans on duty or equipment used.


Decreased number of bacteria caused by compounds antibacterial contained in the extract hair corn. Hair corn contains sour chloregenic, coumaric, acid ferulates, saponins, phytosterols, essential oils, resins, sugars, allantoin, and tannins [6]. Compound antibacterial group phenol Works with damaged structure bacteria so that bacteria No can develop and multiply. Membrane protein binding cell denatured by the compound phenol causes _ cell shatter, and phenol can penetrate cytoplasm so that bacteria No can grow. According to [20], Compounds phenol can bind to proteins on microtubules in cells and interfere with function division cells, which gives rise to inhibition growth bacteria, and bacteria No can develop multiply.


Reducing the Number of Floor Bacterial Colonies

Research results show that extracted hair corn is capable of lowering the number of bacteria on the floor of milk storage. Analysis of fingerprint variety was furthermore done to know the influence of treatment to decline the number of bacteria on the floor room milk storage. Calculation results show that all treatments P0, P1, P2, and P3 have different influences _ real or significant (P<0.05) towards the declining number of bacteria floor room milk storage. The decline in the number of bacteria in concentration extract hair corn is 70%, in accordance with [21], which explains that activity disinfection capable of removing corpse small by 60-90%.


The decline in the number of bacteria floors was caused by the existence of compound antibacterial contained in the extracted hair corn. The difference in the number of bacteria floor in a way significant, marking that compound antibacterial capable of hindering the growth of bacteria. Hair corn Lots contain compounds bioactive like oil volatiles, steroids, alkaloids, allantoin, tannins, flavonoids, acids, chlorogenates, and phenolic compounds [22-23]. This is in accordance with [9] statement that the content in hair corn can play a role as an antibacterial and can hinder the growth gram gram-negative bacteria or bacteria like Escheria coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Based on the matter, the extracted hair corn fulfills one _ criterion. The ideal disinfectant, according to [24], has a wide spectrum or is capable of killing part big bacteria.


Antibiotics like tannins, saponins, and alkaloids are capable of inhibiting and killing bacteria. Compound bioactive is capable of damaging structure wall cells and DNA bacteria so that bacteria are disturbed and die. This is in accordance with the statement by [25], which explains that alkaloids, polyphenols, glycosides (flavonoids, saponins, and groups cyanogenic) or compound phytochemicals are known to be active in a way biological and can help activity antimicrobial. Tannins are mentioned as natural bacteriostatic and bactericidal to Staphylococcus aureus [26]. Tannins damage bacteria by attacking system cell DNA synthesis bacteria that hinder the formation of cell proteins bacteria [27]. Mechanism work of saponins viz with form complex with sterols in cell membranes so that the cell membrane bacteria experience damage [28]. Membrane-damaged cells _ are capable of breaking plasma membranes, transporting substances, and hampered metabolism, causing bacteria lysis [29]. Alkaloid compounds interfere with component compiler peptidoglycan on the walls of the cell so that wall cell bacteria No can be formed intact [30].


Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria Inhibitory Power Extract Hair Corn

According to research, extracting hair corn can reduce the amount of bacteria on milk storage floors. Additionally, analysis of fingerprint types was carried out to ascertain the impact of measures taken to reduce the quantity of bacteria in the milk storage floor room. According to calculation results, each treatment P0, P1, P2, and P3 has a unique impact on the dropping number of bacteria in milk storage that is real or significant (P0.05). According to [21] view, the quantity of bacteria in concentration extract hair corn has decreased by 70%, which explains why activity disinfection may remove corpse tiny by 60–90%.


Because the extracted hair corn included an antibacterial ingredient, the number of bacteria floors decreased. The large difference in the amount of bacteria on the flooring indicates that the antibacterial ingredient can prevent bacterial growth. Itchy scalp Many contain bioactive substances like tannins, flavonoids, acids, chlorogenates, oil volatiles, steroids, alkaloids, allantoin, and phenolic compounds [22,23]. This is in line with (1) and Islam's (2015) assertion that hair corn's content may be antibacterial and prevent the growth of gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. According to the facts, one need is met by the extracted hair corn. The optimal disinfectant, according to [24], has a broad spectrum or can kill certain important microorganisms.


Bacteria can be inhibited and killed by antibiotics such tannins, saponins, and alkaloids. Compound bioactive may disrupt the DNA and wall cell structures of bacteria, causing them to die. The statement made by [25] that alkaloids, polyphenols, glycosides (flavonoids, saponins, and groups cyanogenic) or compound phytochemicals are known to be active in a biological way and can support activity antimicrobial comes after this. Staphylococcus aureus is said to be naturally bacteriostatic and bactericidal against tannins [26]. Tannins harm bacteria by targeting the systems that produce their DNA and prevent the production of cell proteins [27]. Saponins' mechanism of action involves forming a compound with sterols in cell membranes, which causes harm to the bacteria's cell membranes [28]. Membrane-damaged cells have the ability to rupture plasma membranes, transfer materials, and have slowed metabolism, which results in bacterial lysis [29]. Alkaloid substances prevent wall cell bacteria from forming an unbroken wall by interfering with the component of peptidoglycan on the cell walls [30].


Table 2. Average Zone of Inhibition Against Gram Positive Bacteria and Gram Negative Bacteria














Zone of inhibition (Gram Positive ) (mm)






Zone of inhibition (Gram Negative ) (mm)











The presence of flavonoids in the extracted hair corn is influential and significant to the activity the antibacterial produced. Flavonoids can inhibit and kill bacteria and are antibacterial to various microorganisms and pathogens. According to the statement by [31], flavonoid and acid extracts are phenolic and capable of working with function bacteriostatic and bactericidal to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Mechanism Work Flavonoids are antibacterial inhibition synthesis of sour nucleic, inhibit function membrane cytoplasm, inhibit metabolism energy, inhibit attachment and formation of biofilms, inhibit porins in membranes cells, changes permeability membrane, and attenuation pathogenicity [32].


Based on the results measurement, the Power resistor extracts hair corn to gram-positive bacteria, concentrations of 70% and 90% incl into the group Power resistor strong. This is explained by [33-34]. The inhibition zone formed ≥ 20 mm is considered its activity. Power resistance is very strong,10-20 mm expressed own activity Power resistor strong, 5-10 mm stated own activity Power resistor moderate and ≤ 5 mm are stated own activity Power resistor weak. 


Measurement Power resistor extract hair corn to Gram bacteria show mark Power resistor including into the category weak, that is area obstacle ≤ 5mm. The inhibition zone diameter of gram-positive bacteria is significant compared to gram-negative bacteria. Different results This is because there exists a difference in the structure of the wall cell. The second bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, own a wall and more cells _ and are more complex than gram-positive bacteria. In line with research by [35], the extracted hair corn's influence is significant on gram-positive bacteria. The activity was antibacterially contained _ in extract hair corn. Not yet capable of hindering the growth of bacteria E. coli because of the characteristic permeability wall cell bacteria in gram-negative bacteria, appropriate to the opinion of [10], which explains that preference activity antibacterial hair corn sweet more attack gram-positive bacteria caused because inhibition DNA and RNA synthesis by flavonoids. Flavonoid glycosides in the extract hair corn show a range more activity-wide to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria [6].


Pelczar and Chan (1988) [18] stated that gram-negative bacteria own wall cells consisting of 3 layers, i.e., layers outer, layer middle, and layers in. Gram-positive bacteria only own a single layer on the cell's wall, following Siswandono (2000) [36], who states that the structure of wall cells relatively gram-negative bacteria _ complex will cause compound antibacterial more challenging to enter cells and inhibit cell growth.


The mechanism of steroids' internal action hinders microbes. In Wiyanto (2010) [37], it damages cell plasma membrane microbes, so cytoplasm lysis and causes cell death. The main factors in cell wall damage start from the lipopolysaccharide membrane and transmembrane proteins. Antibacterial compounds will penetrate the lipopolysaccharide membrane. This is because steroid molecules have nonpolar (hydrophobic) and polar (hydrophilic) groups, so they have a surfactant effect that can dissolve the phospholipid components of the plasma membrane. This statement follows the opinion of [29] that hydrophilic antibacterial compounds can more easily penetrate the lipopolysaccharide layer than hydrophobic compounds.


Flavonoids can cause cell activity to stop due to protein denaturation. Microorganisms cannot invade and attach to cells because flavonoids can produce complex proteins with cell walls. Another action method flavonoids use to weaken cell structure is combining uncross-linked glycan chains into peptidoglycan so that the cell walls are damaged. The mechanism of action of saponins is similar to the way flavonoids work. As an antibacterial, saponin can damage bacterial cell membranes by increasing membrane permeability because saponin interacts with bacterial cell walls.

  1. Sweet corn hair extract can be used as a natural disinfectant to reduce the number of bacteria on the floor and table in the milk storage room. Sweet corn hair extract can inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and has weak inhibitory ability against gram-negative bacteria. 

  2. Corn silk extract with a concentration of 70% decreased the number of bacteria and the most significant bacterial inhibitory power in the milk storage room.

Conflict of Interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest


No funding sources

Ethical approval:

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Universitas Negeri Makassar

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