Informed Consent Policy
Informed Consent Policy

The Himalayan Journal of Economics and Business Management is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in research involving human participants. Our Informed Consent Policy ensures that all research involving human subjects adheres to principles of respect for individual autonomy, voluntary participation, and protection of participants' rights and welfare. Below, we detail our Informed Consent Policy:


Requirement for Informed Consent: (

  • All research involving human participants, including studies, surveys, interviews, and clinical trials, must obtain informed consent from participants.
  • Informed consent is a prerequisite for participation in research activities and is essential for ensuring voluntary involvement and respect for participants' autonomy.


Content of Informed Consent:

Informed consent documents provided to participants should contain clear and comprehensive information about the research study.


Key components of informed consent include:

  • Explanation of the research purpose, objectives, and procedures.
  • Description of potential risks, benefits, and discomforts associated with participation.
  • Clarification of confidentiality protections and data handling procedures.
  • Statement regarding voluntary participation and the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.
  • Contact information for researchers or institutional representatives to address questions or concerns about the study.


Consent Process:

  • The informed consent process should involve a clear and transparent communication between researchers and participants.
  • Participants should be given adequate time to review the consent document, ask questions, and make an informed decision about participation.
  • Researchers should ensure that participants understand the information provided and provide opportunities for clarification or further discussion as needed.


Special Considerations:

  • Special considerations should be given to vulnerable populations, including children, individuals with cognitive impairments, and those with limited decision-making capacity.
  • Additional safeguards, such as parental consent, assent from minors, or surrogate decision-making, may be necessary to protect the rights and welfare of vulnerable participants.


Documentation and Record-keeping:

  • Researchers are responsible for documenting the informed consent process thoroughly.
  • Signed consent forms or documentation of verbal consent should be obtained and retained securely in accordance with institutional policies and regulatory requirements.
  • Consent records should be kept confidential and accessible only to authorized personnel involved in the research.


The Himalayan Journal of Economics and Business Management is committed to promoting ethical conduct in research involving human participants. Our Informed Consent Policy outlines clear guidelines and procedures to ensure that participants are fully informed and protected throughout the research process. By upholding principles of respect, autonomy, and integrity, we strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our participants and the broader research community.

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