Research Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2023) | Pages 1 - 4
Unveiling Clean Beginnings: Assessing Personal Hygiene and Care Awareness among School-Going Adolescents in Himachal Pradesh
MO Pediatrics, Civil Hospital Sunni, Distt Shimla, HP
Junior Resident, Dept of Anesthesia, PGIMER Chandigarh
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
June 25, 2023
June 30, 2023
July 2, 2023
Sept. 10, 2023

Adolescence marks a critical phase in human development, where lifelong habits and behaviors are established. Personal hygiene and care habits play a pivotal role in overall health and well-being. This study assesses the knowledge and awareness of personal hygiene and care practices among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh, India, aiming to identify areas for improvement and inform targeted interventions. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 400 school-going adolescents using a structured questionnaire. The survey covered various aspects of personal hygiene and care, and knowledge was categorized into four levels: very good, good, fair, and poor. Data analysis was performed using Epi Info V7 software. Results: The study reveals that a substantial proportion of adolescents exhibited commendable knowledge in personal hygiene and care practices. Notably, 81.75% recognized the importance of personal hygiene for overall health. Participants also demonstrated a good understanding of dental hygiene (79.5%) and proper handwashing techniques (80.75%). However, areas requiring attention include knowledge related to food safety (66.25%) and eye and ear hygiene (66.5%). Overall, 35.75% of participants exhibited very good knowledge, 42% had good knowledge, 11.75% had fair knowledge, and 10.5% had poor knowledge regarding personal hygiene and care habits. Conclusion: This study underscores the importance of personal hygiene and care awareness among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh. While many adolescents demonstrate commendable knowledge in several areas, targeted educational interventions are needed to address specific gaps and reinforce existing understanding. Comprehensive hygiene education programs can empower adolescents to make informed choices about their health, contributing to their improved well-being.


Adolescence, the transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, represents a critical period of physical, emotional, and psychological development. During this pivotal stage, adolescents establish habits and behaviors that can significantly influence their health and well-being throughout their lives. One of the fundamental pillars of maintaining good health and preventing various diseases is personal hygiene and care habits. These practices encompass a wide range of behaviors, including handwashing, dental care, skincare, and more, that collectively contribute to overall hygiene and well-being.[1-3]


Himachal Pradesh, a picturesque state nestled in the northern part of India, is celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. While the state's natural beauty is undeniably captivating, the evolving lifestyle of adolescents in Himachal Pradesh is undergoing transformation in the modern era. The advent of technology, changing dietary patterns, and urbanization have reshaped the daily routines and behaviors of adolescents in this region.


Personal hygiene and care habits are vital for adolescents as they navigate the complexities of growing up. These habits are not only essential for maintaining physical cleanliness but also for fostering self-esteem, preventing diseases, and promoting overall health. Moreover, these practices instill lifelong skills that are integral to leading a healthy and productive life.[4-7]


Understanding the knowledge and awareness levels of personal hygiene and care habits among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh is imperative. It offers insights into their current practices, awareness, and attitudes toward hygiene, providing a foundation for targeted interventions and educational programs that promote healthier habits. Moreover, it empowers adolescents to make informed choices about their health and well-being.


This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of personal hygiene and care habits among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh. By comprehensively examining their understanding and practices related to personal hygiene, we aim to identify areas where awareness can be enhanced. The findings of this study can serve as a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and healthcare providers to develop tailored interventions that facilitate the adoption of healthier personal hygiene and care practices among adolescents, ultimately contributing to their improved well-being.


To evaluate the Knowledge regarding personal Hygiene and Care Habits among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh.

  • Research Approach -Descriptive

  • Research Design- Cross-sectional survey design

  • Study area:  Whole state of Himachal Pradesh

  • Study duration- between  April 2023 to July 2023

  • Study population: All school going adolescent children who were studying in the Himachal Pradesh for 12 months or more.

  • Sample size- 400 school going adolescents children  assuming 50% have adequate knowledge regarding  personal Hygiene and Care Habits, 5% absolute error, 95% confidence level, and 5% non response rate.

  • Study tool: A google form questionnaire consisting of questions regarding socio-demography, knowledge regarding  personal Hygiene and Care Habits was created. The questionnaire was initially pre-tested on a small number of school children to identify any difficulty in understanding by the respondents. 

  • Description of Tool- 

  1. Demographic data survey instrument: The demographic form elicited information on participants’ background: age, gender etc.

  2. Questionnaire: The questionnaire contains 20 structured knowledge related questions regarding personal Hygiene and Care Habits. One mark was given for each correct answer and zero for incorrect answer. The maximum score was 20 and minimum score was zero. Scoring was done on the basis of marks as >80%(16-20)=very good,60-79%(12-15) =Good,41-59% ( 8-11)=Fair,<40% (< 8)=poor

  • Validity of tool - by the experts in this field

  • Data collection- Data was collected under the guidance of supervisors. The google form questionnaire was circulated via online modes like e-mail and social media platforms like Whatsapp groups, Facebook, Instagram etc. in both rural and urban area of Himachal Pradesh till the 400 responses were collected. 

  • Data analysis- Data was collected and entered in Microsoft excel spread sheet, cleaned for errors and analyzed with Epi Info V7 Software with appropriate statistical test in terms of frequencies and percentage. 

  • Ethical Considerations- Participants confidentiality and anonymity was maintained. 


The primary objective of this study was to gauge the understanding  regarding  personal Hygiene and Care Habits among school going adolescents children in Himachal Pradesh. A total of 400 respondents took part in the study, with 270 (67.5 percent) were males and 130 (32.5%)  were female school children. 




Frequency of Correct Responses



Why is personal hygiene important for overall health and well-being?




What are the key components of personal hygiene routines?




How often should you brush your teeth, and why is dental hygiene crucial?




Can you name three common skin hygiene practices to maintain healthy skin?




What is the recommended frequency for washing your hands with soap and water?




How should you properly wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs?




Why is it essential to maintain clean and trimmed fingernails?




What are the benefits of regular bathing or showering?




How can you prevent body odor and maintain personal freshness?




What is the importance of wearing clean clothes and changing them regularly?




How should you care for your hair to keep it healthy and clean?




What are the potential consequences of not practicing proper oral hygiene?




Can you name three hygiene practices related to food safety?




How can you protect your eyes and ears to maintain good eye and ear hygiene?




What should you do if you have a minor cut or wound to prevent infection?




How can you promote good hygiene habits among your peers and classmates?




Why is it crucial to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing?




How should you dispose of used hygiene products, such as tissues and sanitary items, responsibly?




What are the potential health risks associated with poor personal hygiene?




Can you explain the importance of consistent hygiene practices in preventing the spread of illnesses, such as colds and flu?



Table-1: Knowledge regarding personal Hygiene and Care Habits among study participants

In the present study 35.75% (143) participants had very good knowledge (16-20 marks) towards personal Hygiene and Care Habits, 42% (168) had good knowledge (12-15 marks), 11.75% (47) had fair knowledge  (8-11 marks) and 10.5% (42) having poor knowledge  (<8 marks).

Category (Marks)

 Frequency  (n=400)


V. Good (16-20)



Good (12-15)









Table-2: Knowledge scores towards personal Hygiene and Care Habits among study participants


The findings of this study shed light on the knowledge and awareness levels of personal hygiene and care habits among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh. This discussion explores the implications of the results, compares them with existing literature, and identifies areas for potential improvement in hygiene education programs.


The study results demonstrate a reasonably high level of knowledge among the participants regarding personal hygiene and care habits.  Understanding of Personal Hygiene Significance: An impressive 81.75% of respondents recognized the importance of personal hygiene for overall health and well-being. This finding underscores the awareness among adolescents about the fundamental connection between hygiene practices and good health. A substantial portion of the participants (69.5%) correctly identified the key components of personal hygiene routines. This indicates that adolescents in Himachal Pradesh have a good grasp of the various aspects that constitute an effective personal hygiene regimen.A significant majority (79.5%) knew how often they should brush their teeth and understood the crucial role of dental hygiene. This awareness aligns with global recommendations for maintaining oral health.[3-6]


Remarkably, 80.75% of respondents were aware of the recommended frequency for handwashing with soap and water. Moreover, 79.5% understood how to properly wash their hands to prevent the spread of germs. These findings are particularly relevant in the context of public health, emphasizing the importance of hand hygiene in disease prevention. Health Consequences of Poor Hygiene: An overwhelming majority (86.25%) recognized the potential health risks associated with poor personal hygiene. This awareness is pivotal, as understanding the consequences of inadequate hygiene practices can motivate individuals to prioritize hygiene.[6,7]


The findings of this study align with previous research that emphasizes the significance of hygiene education in promoting healthier habits among adolescents.However, certain variations and gaps in knowledge still exist. For instance, while participants demonstrated good knowledge in many areas, there is room for improvement in understanding hygiene practices related to food safety and eye and ear care. These areas could be targeted for focused educational interventions.


The study results have practical implications for hygiene education programs in Himachal Pradesh. They underscore the need for comprehensive hygiene education that not only reinforces existing knowledge but also addresses specific gaps. Furthermore, the findings can guide policymakers, educators, and healthcare providers in developing targeted interventions to enhance hygiene awareness and practices among adolescents.


In conclusion, this study reveals a commendable level of knowledge and awareness regarding personal hygiene and care habits among school-going adolescents in Himachal Pradesh. While adolescents demonstrated a strong understanding of various hygiene aspects, there are areas for improvement. The findings emphasize the importance of hygiene education programs that reinforce existing knowledge and address specific gaps. Ultimately, empowering adolescents with comprehensive hygiene knowledge will contribute to their improved health and well-being.

Conflict of Interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest


No funding sources

Ethical approval:

The study was approved by the Civil Hospital Sunni, Distt Shimla.

  1. Aiello, A. E., Coulborn, R. M., & Perez, V. (2008). Effect of Hand Hygiene on Infectious Disease Risk in the Community Setting: A Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 98(8), 1372–1381.

  2. Bloomfield, S. F., Exner, M., & Signorelli, C. (2016). The Chain of Infection Transmission in the Home and Everyday Life Settings, and the Role of Hygiene in Reducing the Risk of Infection. Infection and Drug Resistance, 9, 7–18.

  3. Petersen, P. E. (2003). The World Oral Health Report 2003: Continuous Improvement of Oral Health in the 21st Century—The Approach of the WHO Global Oral Health Programme. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 31(S1), 3–24.

  4. CDC. (2020). Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

  5. Curtis, V., Cairncross, S., & Yonli, R. (2000). Domestic hygiene and diarrhoea—Pinpointing the problem. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 5(1), 22-32.

  6. Rabie, T., & Curtis, V. (2006). Handwashing and risk of respiratory infections: a quantitative systematic review. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 11(3), 258-267.

  7. Ehiri, J. E., Azubuike, M. C., Ubbaonu, C. N., Anyanwu, E. C., Ibe, K. M., Ogbonna, M. O., & Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2001). Critical control points of complementary food preparation and handling in eastern Nigeria. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 41(5), 323-337.

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