Research Article | Volume 5 Issue 2 (April - June, 2024) | Pages 1 - 11
The effect of the group numbering strategy on the achievement of Arabic grammar among fifth-grade female students.
Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education/Iraq
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
June 15, 2024
June 20, 2024
June 25, 2024
Aug. 10, 2024

The current research aims to identify “the effect of the group punctuation strategy on the acquisition of Arabic grammar among fifth-grade female students.” To achieve the research goal, the researcher chose the experimental method, the design with partial control, and the post-test for the research group. After that, the research community was determined, and the research sample consisted of (60). A female student from the fifth grade of primary school in (Shu`a Al-Ilm Primary School) was intentionally chosen by the researcher from the schools affiliated with the Baghdad Education Directorate, Al-Rusafa II. The sample was distributed randomly into two groups (experimental and control), with (30) female students in the experimental group and (30) female students in the control group. The researcher rewarded the students of the two research groups in the following variables: (chronological age calculated in months, the academic achievement of the parents, and the final grades of the Arabic language subject for the previous academic year). The researcher studied the students of the experimental group using the group numbering strategy, while the students of the control group studied in the usual way, and determined The researcher took the scientific material included in the experiment from the Arabic grammar book for the fifth grade of primary school for the academic year 2023-2024. The researcher formulated the behavioral objectives, and in the end their number reached (45) behavioral objectives. She prepared teaching plans and presented examples of them to the experts. The researcher prepared a post-test consisting of (25) items distributed across the first three levels of Bloom’s classification to represent the research tool. After applying the experiment, the researcher applied the tool to the research sample. The researcher used the Social Statistical Package (SPSS) for statistical methods, and the results showed that the female students of the experimental group outperformed the female students of the control group in the achievement of the Arabic grammar subject, and the differences were statistically significant between the students of the two groups. One of the most important conclusions was that the group punctuation strategy proved effective in raising the level of achievement of the Arabic grammar subject for fifth-grade primary school students compared to the usual method. The researcher recommends adopting the (group punctuation strategy) ) in teaching Arabic grammar, and in continuation of the research, the researcher proposes a study similar to this study on other academic stages and other variables.

Chapter One

First: the research problem:

The problem of poor acquisition of Arabic grammar does not require a great effort to prove it. Any specialist in the Arabic language can diagnose this problem and point it out easily, and this is something that is noticeable and impossible. Ignoring it, and this is confirmed by many researches and studies, including (1), the study and the study (2). There is a clear decline in the students’ levels of achievement, which has constituted an obstacle that still exists despite the large number of studies that have addressed this weakness and deficiency. This requires us to search. On the causes of students’ weakness and low level of achievement at different stages, and knowing the reason. Their aversion to language grammar, and finding an appropriate solution to this weakness, which has become one of the complex problems that all members of society suffer from. (3)


Opinions differed regarding the reasons for this weakness. Some of them see this in the nature of the subject, or the learner himself, or what is related to the Arabic language teacher and his method of teaching, and among the reasons. What is related to the nature of the subject is the abundance of grammatical and morphological rules, its complexity, its many details, and its limited teaching. Grammatical rules focus on the formal aspects of building the structure of a word or controlling its end, so grammatical rules. What is taught in schools does not achieve functional goals in the lives of learners, which is why the phenomenon of memorizing the rule is widespread. Its details are given in all academic levels in a way that helps to fix these grammatical concepts in the students’ minds, and they are forgotten as soon as the grammatical lesson ends (4).


Some specialists believe. In the Arabic language and methods. Teaching her that this weakness. The reason for this is the material and its complexity and difficulty, and others in the methods of writing his books, and others believe. The reason is how this material is delivered and facilitated, for their followers. Teaching methods that are not compatible with the scientific subject (5) 


Therefore, the researcher decided to use a group numbering strategy, as an attempt to reduce or address the weakness, and accordingly the research problem was revealed by answering the following question:

What is the effect of the group numbering strategy on the achievement of Arabic grammar among fifth-grade primary school students?


Second: The importance of research:

Education is a process of teaching and learning at the same time, and every human being must learn every day. Education and education are two necessary and necessary tools, because they are considered the beginning of the upbringing of generations, and the maturation of beneficial fruits over time. Education is the basic foundation for education to achieve its goals, increase and improve production in all its fields, and create the basis for continuous development of the language (6). Importance in the field of education as it is the means. The main and approved method in the acquisition of knowledge and concepts, which leads to building a developed positive relationship between linguistic ability and the level of achievement among students, as well as adaptation and control. And directing individual behavior to fit the traditions of society. Since language has a prominent importance in the areas of life in general, we must stand in reverence and admiration for the Arabic language, the infallible language. Which has stood over the ages and eras in the face of challenges that wanted to change its features, as it was and still is the leading language. And preserving its luster and splendor (4). In addition, God Almighty distinguished it with preservation. And eternity next to the Holy Quran; Because it is his spoken language that translates his commands and prohibitions and reveals his philosophy. Existence in its various dimensions is the other side of a great and deep heritage known to humanity. In its long history, It is the conscience of the nation and its sacred bond. Islam has a mind, character, and religion that is distinguished from all other languages, in that it carries within itself. Document spread. The pretext for its survival is that God entrusted it with His wise words, so it is no longer a language. A people or a group, but it has become a language of faith (7), and grammatical rules are considered a servant of the language and not an asset in it, for benefit. In linking parts of one sentence and understanding. The meaning and clarification of the ambiguous structures. Studying the rule should be a means or a bridge to bring the student to a level that makes him able to read correctly. He writes eloquently, and he speaks and is able to express his inner beings and thoughts in a clear, understandable language. It is considered a means of mastering the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) (7). Grammar represents one of the most important branches of the Arabic language because it is more. Depending on thinking and reason, from which learners proceed. Or students to the rest of the arts of speech and its branches, and with it they are able to write correctly and read. Sound, and its rules are formed for them. Mental linguistic sport. Intellectual, based on methodological measurement, fundamental analysis, and reasoning. In doing so, they have a linguistic sense that enables them to understand and assimilate the language, express it, and proceed from it (13). The ease and difficulty of grammar lies in the grammar itself, but it also depends on the method of teaching and the ability of the teacher. The successful teacher is the one who can make grammar a living subject. Familiar in the student world, this works. Difficult requires a special personality that combines the abundance of the material, its digestibility, and the methods of presenting it. The degree of the teacher’s skill determines the extent to which the learner understands the rules of the language and his acceptance or aversion to them. (8) Therefore, modern educational strategies and methods have emerged that transfer the effectiveness of the educational process from teachers to students. The student. In this case it is the center of organized activities aimed at. To achieve the goals of the educational process, learning in this case is unforgettable, and these strategies and methods also help the student to be self-directed in the educational process.


Therefore, the researcher chose the primary stage, because it is the most important among the other stages of education, as it is a stone. The foundation upon which subsequent educational stages are based, and in which he can. Students are trained to understand the simple rules of the Arabic language, apply them, and refine them in the subsequent academic stages. Because it is considered a qualitative shift in the learner’s life, it includes a variety of academic subjects, in addition to starting the examination format. Editing for all other academic subjects, which means that the learner for this grade should possess the basic rules of the Arabic language that will help him in achieving other academic subjects.


Third: The research goal and hypothesis

The research aims to measure the effect of the group punctuation strategy on the achievement of Arabic grammar among fifth-grade primary school students.


To achieve the research goal, the following null hypothesis was established: There is no statistically significant difference. At the level of (0.05) between the average achievement scores of female students. The experimental group taught with a group numbering strategy and average achievement scores. The control group students who study. In the usual way in Arabic grammar.


Fourth: Limits of research:

  1. Fifth grade students in girls’ day (primary) schools affiliated with the General Directorate of Education. Baghdad Governorate / Al-Rusafa II.

  2. The second semester of the academic year (2023-2024).

  3. A number of grammar topics scheduled to be taught to the fifth grade of primary school.


Fifth: Definition of terms:

First: The effect of the group numbering strategy:

Athar linguistically: Arafah. Ibn Manzur: “The rest of the thing and the plural are traces. And I came out in its wake and in its wake, that is, after it. And influence: leaving a trace in a thing: leaving a trace in it, and traces: signs” (11).


Impact is a terminology: Defined by (Yahya.): “The change caused by independent variables in the dependent variables on which the design is based”.


Procedural impact: It is the change that is expected to occur among female students. Fifth grade of primary school (experimental group) after teaching them the grammar subject according to the group numbering method.


Strategy is a language: Defined by (29): Researchers have indicated that the origin of the word (strategy) is derived from the Greek word (strategia), which refers to the art of leading an army in war, or in other words the ability to make plans and manage the fighting forces on the battlefield, and it is noted . Concept follower. Strategy is a synonymous term used to express the same purpose, in terms of the ability to plan, control, and move to reach the desired goal. (29) 


Strategy in terms: Defined by Zayer and Iman: “A set of procedures and methods that are used in teaching and their use enables students to benefit from planned educational experiences and achieve educational goals.” (11)


Procedurally, strategy is the actions and activities that are planned. The researcher followed her example in teaching the experimental group to help fifth-grade students. Primary school according to strategic steps. Collective numbering in order to achieve pre-determined goals.


Group numbering: A set of organized steps used by the researcher with fifth-grade primary school students (experimental group) to achieve knowledge and information. In the subject of Arabic grammar. It is measured in the scores of the post-achievement test. 


Second: Acquiring the rules of the Arabic language:

Collection: Language: Arafah (11): “Obtained: what is obtained from everything: what remains, and what is left is established and gone, and collection: distinguishing what happens, and the noun is the result, and the results: the remains, the outcome of the thing, its yield: its remainder, and the thing is obtained: gathered.” And he stood firm.” (11). 


Achievement as a term: Defined by (19): “It is the result of what the student learns after going through the educational experience, and it can be measured by the grade that the student obtains in the achievement test, to know the extent of the success of the strategy that the teacher sets and plans to achieve his goals and what the student achieves.” Of knowledge translated into degrees.” (19).


Procedural achievement: It is the amount achieved by female students. Fifth grade of primary school, research sample. In the post-test of Arabic grammar topics, measured in grades.


The grammar of the Arabic language is a language: he defined it (11) “The rule is the origin of the foundations, and the rules. The foundation, and the rules of the House are its foundations,” (11), God Almighty said: (And when Abraham raised the foundations of the House, and Ishmael. Our Lord, accept it from us You the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.


The rules of the Arabic language in terms: Defined by (Al-Moussawi): “One of the branches of the Arabic language, and it is a means of controlling speech and the correctness of pronunciation and writing, and it is not intended for its own sake, but rather a means that enables the student to use it in the areas they encounter, in study or daily life.”


Procedural grammar of the Arabic language: grammatical topics to be taught during the experiment for fifth-grade female students (research sample) for the academic year (2023/2024). 


Third: The fifth grade of primary school: “It is one of the grades of the primary stage in which the duration of study is six years, and its function is to prepare students (males and females) for working life or middle school.” (31)

Chapter Two: Theoretical aspects and previous studies
  1. Theoretical aspects:

Cooperative learning: It is one of the teaching strategies that came up. It is the contemporary educational movement, which has proven its positive impact on the academic achievement of learners. Cooperative learning came to create an organizational structure for the work of a group of learners to immerse themselves in. Each member of the group learns according to specific and clear roles, while ensuring that each member teaches the educational material. (5) Students are divided into groups. Small and heterogeneous, meaning they have different cognitive levels. The number of members of each group ranges between 4-6, and the students in one group cooperate in achieving common goals (25).

Principles of cooperative learning: 

  1. Positive mutual dependence: The first requirement for cooperative learning is that students believe. That they learn the educational material, and make sure that all members of their group learn this material, so that they realize that they are connected with their colleagues in the group in a way that they cannot succeed unless their colleagues in the group succeed, so they must coordinate their efforts in their group until they complete the task that was entrusted to them 

  2. Individual accountability and collective responsibility: Every member of the group bears responsibility. Mastering the assigned educational material. The group members cooperatively aim to encourage each member to increase his or her achievement, and the group members support each other to help themselves achieve the general task required of the groups and the tasks assigned to each member. 

  3. Confrontational interaction: Cooperative learning requires direct and face-to-face interaction. Face-to-face between students, through which they enhance the learning and success of each of them, by supporting, encouraging, and praising the efforts of each member of the group to learn from others.

  4. Interpersonal and small group communication skills: Members of cooperative learning groups should learn some necessary social skills, such as leadership. And decision-making and confidence-building, as we wanted the cooperative groups to be productive.

  5. Collective processing: The purpose of collective processing is to clarify and improve. The effectiveness of members in their contribution to cooperative efforts to achieve the group’s goals, and thus making decisions about which behavior should be continued, and which behavior should be changed (20).


Foundations of cooperative learning:

  1. Educational foundations: developing individual abilities as well as developing his social aspect, which leads to integrated education through developing and shaping social behavior in a way that prompts the student to abandon and move away from individual motives and attitudes and respect the system.

  2. Psychological foundations: Interacting with the group, the student is able. Satisfying his needs and strengthening his motivations. Belonging to the group helps the professor discover. Students’ tendencies and influencing their behavior in a positive direction.

  3. Social foundations: The student is able to work within the framework of the group, and in doing so he achieves one of the important human needs that he seeks to achieve, which is the feeling of belonging to the group, so he seeks to strengthen it and tries to achieve the goals of the group to which he belongs (12).


Cooperative learning strategy: It is a strategy that requires students to work and study the learned material together, as well as learn and practice social interaction skills. Participants work together at the same time, and for learning to occur, goals must be set. required for groups of students and work together to achieve them, so that the student is responsible for his success and the success of his colleagues, Studies and research indicate that cooperative learning has a teaching approach that includes more than (eighty) methods, including: the learning together strategy, the think-pair-share strategy, the GXO 2 strategy, and others. (17) 


Group numbering strategy: It is part of the cooperative learning strategy, implemented within the classroom, and this method achieves the process of social interaction more than the traditional method, and this positive interaction, because high-achieving students will participate effectively, because they can ask questions in an instant (7)


Steps of the group numbering strategy:

  1. The teacher gives a number to each learner in the group.

  2. The teacher explains the academic concept using the blackboard and pre-prepared worksheets.

  3. The teacher asks a question.

  4. The teacher asks the learners to discuss the question together in each group, to make sure that every member of the team knows the answer.

  5. The teacher asks for a specific number, and everyone with the same number in each group must answer the answer agreed upon among the members of his group. (Zayer et al., Part 1, 2017: 67)

B- Previous studies:

  1. Jassim’s study (2023): The study was conducted at Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education. The aim of the study is to know “the effect of the solved example strategy and problem completion on the acquisition of Arabic grammar for fifth-grade primary school girls.” The researcher followed the experimental research method and chose an experimental design with partial control. The research sample consisted of (60) female students, with (30) the experimental group and (30) the control group. The researcher rewarded the two research groups in the variables: (chronological age, parents’ academic achievement, Arabic language grades. In the previous year, intelligence test scores. ), the same researcher studied the two research groups and prepared. An achievement test consisting of (25) items. The researcher used the statistical package in the SPSS program, and after processing the data statistically, results emerged that the experimental group was superior to the control group.

  2. Quality study (2023): The study was conducted at Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education. The aim of the study was to know “the effect of the Keys to Knowledge strategy on the acquisition of Arabic grammar among fifth-grade primary school students.” The researcher followed the experimental research approach and chose an experimental design with partial control, which consisted The research sample consisted of (69) students (34) the experimental group and (35) the control group, grades in the Arabic language subject in the previous year, intelligence test scores. The researcher herself studied the two research groups, prepared an achievement test consisting of (30) items, and the researcher used The statistical package in the SPSS program, and after processing the data statistically, results emerged that the experimental group was superior to the control group.


Implications and indicators from previous studies: 

The two studies were conducted in Iraq, with similar objectives. The subject of the two studies, and the two studies used the experimental method. And size difference. The sample in both studies was between (60-69) and was rewarded. The two studies between their study groups and the preparation of the two studies. Teaching goals and plans. The two researchers themselves. Through teaching, the results showed that the experimental group was superior to the control group.


Aspects of benefit from the previous studies mentioned:

The researcher gained accuracy in defining the research problem and accessing the sources and references that deal with the research problem. Determine the appropriate experimental design, tools, procedures and statistical methods. The ability to interpret research results

Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Procedures

First: Research Methodology: The researcher followed the experimental method in her research procedures, because it is the appropriate method with the research procedures and requirements, as it is a deliberate and controlled change of the specific conditions of the phenomenon and observation of the resulting changes in the phenomenon. (21)   

Second: Search procedures:

Experimental design: The researcher chose to design two groups with a post-test, one of which represents the experimental group and the second the control group, because it is more appropriate to the conditions and procedures of the research, and Figure (1) shows this: 


      Figure (1) Experimental research design

GroupIndependent VariableDependent VariableInstrument
ExperimentalCollective Numbering StrategyAchievementPost-Achievement Test


Research community and sample: 

Research community: The research community is all the individuals who constitute the subject of the research problem. (Obaidat, et al., 2012: 96) The current research population consisted of fifth-grade female students in primary schools within day schools in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Rusafa II for the academic year (2023-2024).


Research sample: The sample is a partial group of the community. The term sample does not place any restrictions on the method of obtaining the sample. It is simply a partial group of the community that has common characteristics (Abu Allam, 2011: 62). The researcher chose (Shu`a al-Ilm Primary School) affiliated with the Baghdad Directorate. Raising Rusafa II intentionally, because it contains four sections of fifth-grade primary school students, and the school administration cooperated with the researcher in the procedures for implementing the research. The research sample was chosen randomly, Section (C) to represent the experimental group in which the subject of Arabic grammar will be taught using the group numbering strategy, Section (d) To represent the control group that will study the same subject in the usual way, the number of members of the sample was (68) female students, with (35) female students in the experimental group and (33) female students in the control group, after the researcher excluded the failed female students, who numbered (8). Only because they have previous knowledge of Arabic grammar topics. Table (1) shows this:   




Table (1) Number of female students in the research sample in the two groups

before and after exclusion

 GroupSectionNumber of students before exclusion.Number of failed students.Number of students. After exclusion
the total.68.860. 


The researcher was keen to make the students of the two research groups statistically equal in some variables before starting the experiment. These variables are: 

  1. Educational achievement of mothers and fathers:

    • Write your name and branch on the answer sheet.


Table (2) Frequencies of academic achievement for parents of female students in both groups



No,Parents' academic achievement


chi square valuefunction  0,05
Primary and belowIntermediatePreparatory and instituteBachelor's and above

Degree of freedom










Not significant


Mothers' academic achievement


2- Chronological age calculated in months:

3- Grades in the Arabic language subject for students in the two research groups in the previous grade (sixth primary):


Table (3) Equivalence of the two research groups in chronological age and Arabic language grades for the previous year

groupNo.Chronological age in monthsdegree of freedomT-value

function 0,05


MeanStandard DeviationVarianceCalculatedTabular

















Not significant

Arabic language grades for the previous academic year







4- Controlling extraneous (non-experimental) variables:

The researcher conducted control for the following variables: 

A - Conditions of the experiment and accompanying incidents: The experiment did not encounter any circumstances. Or an accident that affected it, or affected the dependent variable in addition to the effect of the independent variable.

B - Differences in selecting sample members: The researcher got rid of this effect by establishing equality between the two groups and the fact that the two groups are from the same environment and one society. 

T - Experimental extinction: The experiment has not been exposed for a period of time. Conducting it to such effect except for individual absences that. It occurred in both research groups. 

D - Maturity: There was no effect in the experiment because the duration of the experiment was short. And unified for both research groups.

C - Measurement tool: The researcher used a unified tool, which is the post-test.

H - Statistical regression: The female students in the sample were not exposed to the effect of this factor, due to the method used in selecting the research sample, which is the random method, and the equivalence conducted by the researcher between the two groups of the experiment.


G- The effect of experimental procedures: 

1- Research confidentiality: The researcher agreed with the administration. The school does not inform the students about the nature of Experiment with the research so that their activity does not change or affect the results.

2- The academic subject: The academic subject was unified. For the two research groups, which are (5) topics in Arabic grammar.

3- The teacher: the researcher herself. I studied. My research group.

4- Distribution of classes: The researcher taught the two research groups four lessons per week, two lessons for each group, as the researcher and the school administration agreed. To organize the lesson distribution schedule, as grammar material is on Mondays and Tuesdays. Table (4) shows this.                           


Table (4) Distribution of shares

TodayLesson time 8:00Lesson time 8:45Article


5- Learning methods: The means, according to the requirements of the strategy, were the blackboard, colored pencils, and papers on which a number was written for each student.

6- The school building: The researcher applied the experiment in one school and in adjacent classes, which were similar in their classrooms.

7- Duration of the experiment: The duration of the experiment was equal and uniform for the two research groups, as it began on (Tuesday) corresponding to 2/20/2023 and ended on (Tuesday) corresponding to 4/23/2024. 

5- Research requirements:

1- Determine the scientific subject:


The researcher identified the scientific material that would be taught during the experiment (the second semester of the academic year) from the Arabic grammar book scheduled to be taught to fifth-grade primary school students for the academic year 2023/2024. They are: {the neighbor and the genitive, the dual noun and its parsing, the sound masculine plural and its parsing, the sound feminine plural and its parsing, the conjunction}


2- Formulating behavioral objectives: 

Behavioral objectives are one of the important elements of the curriculum that help the teacher analyze the educational material and determine the methods, methods, tools, means and activities, as well as conducting the evaluation that takes place in light of them. It also helps to measure the type of learning and teaching. (Omar, 2011: 264). Therefore, the researcher formulated ( 45) behavioral objectives based on general objectives and content and distributed among the first three levels in Bloom’s classification, the cognitive domain, which are (knowledge, understanding, application). They were presented to a group of arbitrators to express their opinions, and some changes and amendments were made to them, and Table (5) This explains:


Table (5): Behavioral objectives for each subject in the first three levels




Levels of cognitive domain objectives according to Bloom's taxonomy.the total
1Preposition and noun1236
2Dual noun and its declension34512
3Sound masculine plural and its declension24511
4Sound feminine plural and its declension24410
the total9162045



3- Preparing study plans:

Instructional planning is the organized, consistent, and advance thinking of what the teacher or teacher intends to do with the learners in order to achieve certain educational goals, and choosing methods, designs, and methods that help achieve the goals and objectives. The researcher prepared plans for Arabic grammar topics according to the group numbering strategy for the experimental group and the usual method for the control group. The researcher presented two models of the teaching plans she prepared to a group of experts and specialists in the Arabic language and its teaching methods.


4- Research tool: An achievement test, which is the degree of acquisition that an individual achieves or the level of success that he achieves or achieves in a specific academic subject or educational or training field. Its aim is to measure the extent to which learners comprehend some knowledge, concepts, or skills related to the academic subject at a specific time. Or the end of a specific educational period. The researcher prepared a post-test to measure the achievement of the students of the two research groups after completing the experiment. The following is an explanation of the steps the researcher took in preparing it:


1- Preparing a table of specifications (test map): The table of specifications is defined as a detailed two-dimensional plan, one dimension of which is a list of objectives (learning outcomes desired to be achieved), and the other dimension is the content elements included in the test (27). The researcher prepared a test map for the content of the six topics for the first three levels of Bloom’s classification (knowledge, understanding, application), and Table (6) shows this:


Table (6) Specifications table (test map)

TopicsNumber of pagesRelative importance of content



Understanding%36Application%44Number of paragraphs

Preposition and noun


Dual noun


Sound masculine plural


Sound feminine plural





2- Formulating the test items: The researcher chose objective tests, because they have the ability to cover all content items of the scientific material, are characterized by accuracy and economy of time and effort, and are not affected by the subjective factors of those who use them, in addition to the fact that they contribute to the stability of the test and the accuracy of the results (30) Therefore, the researcher determined the number of items for the post-achievement test to be (25) test items distributed over three questions: the first question consisted of (15) multiple-choice type items, and the second question consisted of (5) completion test-type items. The third question consists of (5) paragraphs representing useful sentences.


3- Validity of the test: Validity is one of the important things that must be present in the research tool. Validity means that the test measures what it was designed to measure (8). To verify the validity of the test and make it achieve the goals for which it was designed, the researcher adopted the following: 


A - Appearance validity: It is the reference to measuring the test for the purpose for which it was apparently developed, and is reached through agreement of the arbitrators’ estimates on the degree to which the test measures the trait. Appearance validity means the general appearance of the test in terms of the vocabulary and its wording, and the extent of its clarity, as well as dealing with the test instructions, their time, and their degree of clarity. and its objectivity (9), so the researcher presented the test items to arbitrators specialized in the methods of teaching the Arabic language. To express their opinions and suggestions, the result of their opinions on the test items was an agreement rate of (80%). Thus, the researcher was able to achieve the apparent validity of the test. 


B - Content validity: It is an indicator of the extent to which the tool measures the targeted behavioral field or a specific content, and a test that is honest in its content is one that represents a good sample of the subject’s contents without neglecting any of its aspects, so the researcher prepared the test. In light of the specifications table (test map), thus, content validity has been achieved because the specifications table is an indication of content validity.


4- Test instructions:

• Answer instructions: -

  • The answer will be on the test paper itself.

  • Warning not to leave any paragraph unanswered.


• Instructions for correcting test items: One point was allocated to the item with a correct answer and zero to the item with an incorrect answer, left out, or with more than one answer.


5- Survey application:

In order to establish knowledge of the clarity of the test items, their difficulty, the strength of their discrimination, the effectiveness of the incorrect alternatives, and the time taken to answer them, the researcher applied the test to an exploratory sample consisting of (60) fifth-grade female students from the same research community in after. Coordination with the school administration and the Arabic language teacher, and it became clear that the test items were clear and not ambiguous. The time it took to answer (45) minutes was to answer all the paragraphs, and the test was conducted after the researcher made sure that the exploratory sample had completed the Arabic grammar topics scheduled to be taught in the experiment.


8- Statistical analysis of test items: 

After correcting the students’ answers, the researcher arranged the scores in descending order and then chose the two extreme samples, the highest and the lowest (27%). The following is an explanation of the procedures for statistical analysis of the test items: 


A - Paragraph difficulty factor: “The difficulty of the paragraph means the percentage of individuals who got an answer to the paragraph correctly divided by the number of individuals as a whole. Studies have shown that the best test items have a difficulty level of (0.20) and (0.80) (18). After the researcher calculated the difficulty factor for each test item, she found that it ranges between (0.32-0.65). This means that the test items are acceptable and their difficulty factor is appropriate.


B - The item’s discrimination coefficient: means its ability to distinguish between individuals with high scores and those with low scores (8). After calculating the discrimination coefficient for each item in the test, it was found that it ranges between (0.30-0.64.) Ebel indicates that the achievement test items are considered good if their discriminatory power is (0.30) or more. This means that all test items are good and distinctive, that is, they have discriminatory power. 


T - The effectiveness of wrong alternatives: In multiple-choice questions, the alternatives must be sufficiently effective when some people make mistakes, but not everyone. There is no benefit from a wrong alternative that everyone knows or everyone makes mistakes with, and the number of wrong choices should be less for the upper category than for the wrong alternatives. The world and after using the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives, it was found that they were between (-0.37.) and (-0.185.) That is, the false alternatives attracted a greater number of female students in the lower group than female students in the upper group, and this is an indication of the effectiveness of camouflage. 


D - Reliability of the test: Reliability is that it gives the same results if it is re-applied a second time to the same individuals and in the same circumstances. There are many methods to measure the reliability of the test, and the most prominent of these commonly used methods in tests is the retest method, and the retest method. Equivalent forms, the method of re-correcting the test and agreeing with another scorer, the split-half method, the Coward-Richard method, and the Alpha-Cronbach method (13). The researcher used the split-half method. One of the advantages of this method is the economy of time, as the test is applied in one go. And reduce the effects of boredom, fatigue, and experience that learners gain in retesting. This method measures the homogeneity and internal consistency of the test (Lovell, 1976: 77). The researcher divided the test items, which numbered (25), in their final form into two groups, which included: The first group included the scores of the odd items, and the second group included the scores of the even items. By using the Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the reliability between the two groups, its value was (0.82), then corrected with the Spearman-Brown equation, and the value of the reliability coefficient reached (0.90), which is a high reliability coefficient.


C- The final image of the test: after completing the statistical procedures. Related to the test and its items, the test in its final form consists of (25) items after it was presented to the experts. And make an amendment to it.


6- Application of the experiment

The researcher began applying her experience to the students of the two research groups (experimental and control) after providing them with a book to facilitate the task on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and after completing the requirements. The experiment: The researcher herself studied the two research groups according to the plans. Which I prepared and the teaching continued until the end of the experiment. After that, the researcher applied the achievement test to the students in my group. Research at one time on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at (8:30) in the morning for the purpose of measuring collection.


7- Statistical methods: 

The researcher used the Social Statistical Package (SPSS) for statistical methods and used the following:

  1. T-test for two independent, interconnected samples to verify the hypothesis in the research.

  2. Chi-square (K2) to conduct statistical equivalence in the two variables of academic achievement of fathers and mothers.

  3. Difficulty factor equation: to calculate the difficulty of an item in the post-achievement test. 

  4. Item Discrimination Coefficient Equation: To calculate the discrimination power of the post-achievement test items

  5. Equation of the effectiveness of incorrect alternatives: to find the effectiveness of incorrect alternatives for the achievement test items. 

  6. Pearson correlation coefficient to verify the stability of the correction.

  7. Spearman-Brown equation to correct the Pearson correlation coefficient


Chapter Four: Presentation and interpretation of the results:

First: Show the results: 

To reach the goal of the research and verify the validity of the null hypothesis, which states that: There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the experimental group’s female students who study Arabic grammar according to the group numbering strategy, and the average achievement scores of the group’s female students. Female officers who study the same subject according to the usual method.


The arithmetic mean, standard deviation and variance were extracted for the students of the two research groups (experimental and control) in the achievement test after correcting the test papers. Table (7) shows this.


Table (7): The arithmetic mean, standard deviation, variance, and calculated and tabulated T-value for the scores of the female students of the two research groups in the post-achievement test



Sample size


Standard deviation


Degree of freedom

Value (t)

Statistical significance level .














. Statistically significant











It is clear from Table (7) that the average score of the students in the experimental group was (23.23), and that the average score of the students in the control group was (18.66). Using the t-test for two independent samples (t-test), it appeared that the difference was statistically significant at the level of (0.05) in favor of the experimental group, as the calculated T-value was (3,615), which is greater than the tabulated T-value (2), and with a degree of freedom (58), so the null hypothesis was rejected.


Second: Interpretation of the results:

The results showed that the students of the experimental group were superior to the control group in Arabic grammar for several reasons, including:

  1. The group numbering strategy is one of the modern teaching strategies that provided opportunities for female students to proceed in their learning according to organized and sequential steps, taking into account individual differences, and to interact with the lessons and increase their activity, which had an impact on their achievement. 

  2. The group numbering strategy has a role in motivating female students to participate in the classroom, to prepare daily, and to prepare for competition between groups, which has led to an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process. 


Third: Conclusions: In light of the results shown by the research, the researcher concludes the following:

  1. The collective numbering strategy has proven effective in raising the level. Academic achievement among fifth-grade primary school students. In the subject of Arabic grammar, compared to the usual method. 

Teaching using the group numbering strategy requires time, effort, and skill. More from the teacher than is required of him when using normal methods. 

Fourth: Recommendations

 In light of the results shown by the research, the researcher recommends the following:

  1. Adopting a group numbering strategy in teaching Arabic grammar at the primary stage. 

  2. Holding training courses for teachers. The Arabic language in coordination with the Preparation and Training Department to follow modern methods, methods, strategies and models in teaching Arabic grammar.


Fifth: Proposals: 

  1. Group numbering strategy in different branches of the Arabic language.

  2. Conducting a similar study to determine the effect of the group numbering strategy at different educational levels and other variables that were not addressed in the current research.

Conduct a similar study to determine the effect of the group numbering strategy on the gender of males and the difference between them.

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