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Review Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (July-Dec, 2023)
Colonial Subjugation, Identity and Resistance in George LAMMING’s in the Castle of My Skin
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Open Access
Oct. 28, 2023
This paper is an attempt to demonstrate how colonialism had left drastic consequences on the lives of the colonized nations of the world. In this respect, African writers had demonstrated in their works the negative impacts of colonization on culture and values of colonized people. As a Caribbean and Barbados writer, George LAMMING, a West Indian novelist and essayist chronicles the issue of race and identity, Caribbean politics and culture and how European colonization had deprived the colonized of their culture, beauty and harmony. This work also aims at showing the legacy of colonial enterprise and its impacts on Caribbean culture which often resulted in colonial racism, oppression and depravation. The quest of cultural identity and resistance which was a central issue in postcolonial Caribbean literature was dealt with by West Indian scholars as George LAMMING in order to review the sense of resistance and identity in Caribbean culture.
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