Review Article
Open Access
Prevention of Extravasation Non-Cytotoxic Agents (Review Study)
Intravenous medicine administrations have a higher probability of mistakes and a higher frequency of error than other medication administrations. Both patients and nurses might suffer as a result of carelessness. Only a tiny percentage of errors result in significant patient outcomes, yet even modest mistakes can have long-term consequences for the nurses involved. (1)(2)(5) Phlebitis and extravasation is typical intravenous medication adverse effect. It is the nurses' role to supervise venous medication administration, relieve pain, and prevent the occurrence of extravasation and other issues during therapy with the combined technique, so improving the patient's quality of life. Adult extravasation is estimated to happen between 0.1 and 6% of the time. (4)(6). Some figures suggest that the incidence is declining due to advancements in the infusion process, early medication leakage detection, and training in management methods. (3)(7) Despite precautions (safe administration, local regulations and norms, and employee education), (8)
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of the Effect of Vedic Chants on Anxiety and Pain Score in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia
Bharti Gupta,
Sapna Bharadwaj,
Shelly ,
Shyam Bhandari,
Amit Gupta
Background: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Vedic chants on Anxiety and Pain Score in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia. Material & Methods: A total of 38 patients with full term live cephalic singleton pregnancy in active labor with cervical dilatation 0-4cm with a request for ambulatory labor analgesia admitted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda were participated in this study. We randomized the patients in two groups A and B. Both groups received epidural labor analgesia with 0.1% ropivacaine and 1.5ug/ml of fentanyl. Patients in group A were made to listen Vedic chants (Gayatri mantra) in 4 sessions of 30min each with 15mins break in between the sessions. In group B, patients received only ambulatory epidural labor analgesia without listening to Vedic chants. These two groups were observed for the various parameters till the delivery of the baby. Results: The two groups were comparable in terms of age, height, weight, BMI, occupation, parity, POG, mean cervical dilatation and contractions per 5minutes at the time of administration of labor analgesia and were statistically non-significant (p >0.05). We inferred that the mean anxiety score(AASPWL) was significantly lower in the group A (2.43±0.11), which received Vedic chants as music therapy along with epidural labor analgesia in comparison to the group B (3.44±0.13) who did not receive Vedic chants as music therapy. The difference between two groups was statistically highly significant (p <0.001).Parturients in both group A and B were supplemented with adequate epidural analgesia with 0.1% ropivacaine and 1.5 ug/ml fentanyl, resulting in pain scores (VAS-P) below 3 and difference was statistically non-significant (p >0.05). Conclusion: In our study, anxiety scores were drastically reduced by Vedicchants (Gayatri mantra) as music therapy, in comparison to control group.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of the Effect of Vedic Chants on Haemodynamic Parameters in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia
Shelly ,
Poonam ,
Chander Mohan Negi,
Nitin Patiyal
ackground: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Vedic chants on Haemodynamic parameters in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia. Material & Methods: A total of 38 patients with full term live cephalic singleton pregnancy in active labor with cervical dilatation 0-4cm with a request for ambulatory labor analgesia admitted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda were participated in this study. We randomized the patients in two groups A and B. Both groups received epidural labor analgesia with 0.1% ropivacaine and 1.5ug/ml of fentanyl. Patients in group A were made to listen Vedic chants (Gayatri mantra) in 4 sessions of 30 min each with 15mins break in between the sessions. In group B, patients received only ambulatory epidural labor analgesia without any Vedic chants listening. These two groups were observed for the Haemodynamic parameters till the delivery of the baby. Results: In our study there was no episode of hypotension, bradycardia in any of the patients after epidural labor analgesia. The difference in mean MAP between two groups was statistically non-significant (p = 0.09). There was no difference in mean HR of the patient between the two groups and was statistically non-significant (p = 0.7). The difference in mean oxygen saturation was also non-significant (p = 0.434) between the two groups. These hemodynamic variables were comparable at all-time intervals taken. Conclusion: In our study, all hemodynamic variables including Mean arterial pressure, mean Heart rate and mean oxygen saturation were comparable at all-time intervals between the two groups.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of the Effect of Vedic Chants on APGAR Score in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia
Shelly ,
Mast Ram,
Chander Mohan Negi,
Nitin Patiyal
Background: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Vedic chants on APGAR score in Laboring Parturients with Ambulatory Epidural Labor Analgesia. Material & Methods: A total of 38 patients with full term live cephalic singleton pregnancy in active labor with cervical dilatation 0-4 cm with a request for ambulatory labor analgesia admitted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda were participated in this study. We randomized the patients in two groups A and B. Both groups received epidural labor analgesia with 0.1% ropivacaine and 1.5ug/ml of fentanyl. Patients in group A were made to listen Vedic chants (Gayatri mantra) in 4 sessions of 30min each with 15mins break in between the sessions. In group B, patients received only ambulatory epidural labor analgesia without any Vedic chants listening. These two groups were observed for APGAR scores. Results: In our study, Mean fetal Heart rate (beats per minute) of the patients in group A was comparable to that in group B (136.8±3.2 vs. 136.4±3; p = 0.77). Mean APGAR score at 1-minute of the neonates born to patients in group A was comparable to that in group B (6.8±0.6 vs. 6.8±0.8; p=0.920). Mean APGAR score at 5minutes of the neonates born to patients in group A was comparable to that in group B (7.8±0.5 vs. 8±0.8; p = 0.538). Conclusion: So our study concluded that ambulatory epidural labor analgesia has no side effects on the APGAR scores of the neonates and was within normal range in both groups.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Pregnancy on Preexisting Ocular Disorders: A Critical Analysis
Aditi Rao,
Radhika Sharma,
Divya Sharma
The effects of pre-existing diabetic retinopathy can worsen during pregnancy. Pregnant diabetic women who also had proteinuria and high blood pressure have been linked to macular edema. The degree of diabetic retinopathy at the beginning of pregnancy has been demonstrated to be a weaker predictor of the health of the foetus than glycemic control during pregnancy. In this review we have described the effect of pregnancy on preexisting ocular disorders.
Research Article
Open Access
A Hospital Based Study on Complementary Feeding Knowledge among Postnatal Mothers in District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Neha Patyal,
Adarsh kaundal
Background: For sustained growth and development, complementary feeding is necessary to supply the energy and vital nutrients. Present study was carried out to evaluate the knowledge towards complementary feeding among postnatal mothers attending Primary Health Center, Dhanot of District Kangra. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted between January 2022- March 2022 among postnatal mothers attending Primary Health Center, Dhanot of district Kangra and selected by convenience sampling technique. Data was collected through face-to-face interview using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using epi info v7 software using appropriate statistical tests. Results: A total of 400 Post Natal Mothers came to OPD and having children aged less than 2 year were selected after explaining the purpose of the study. Among the total mothers, maximum 198 (49.5%) were having age between 26-30 years, educated up to Matric & Senior Secondary 166 (41.5%) Hindu 366 (91.5%), Housewife 301 (75.25%), Multigravida 285 (71.5%) and delivered in government hospitals 278 (69.5%). In the present study 9.25% (37) postnatal mothers had very good knowledge (16-20 marks) towards complementary feeding, 72.5% (290) having good knowledge (12-15 marks), 15% (60) having fair knowledge (8-11 marks) and 3.25% (13) having poor knowledge (<8 marks). Conclusions: Postpartum mothers had good knowledge of complementary feeding. For further increase in mothers' complementary feeding knowledge and feeding practices, appropriate complementary feeding education that emphasizing prompt commencement and meal variety is required.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of Knowledge about Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Stroke among the General Population of Himachal Pradesh: A CrossSectional Study
Hanish Kumar Rana,
Badal Katoch,
Harshita Grover
Background: As stroke is a catastrophic illness, knowing its risk factors, early signs and symptoms could potentially prevent morbidity and mortality among the people. The objective of this study was to evaluate this knowledge among general population of Himachal Pradesh. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional survey of residents of the state of Himachal Pradesh was carried out between September 2021 and November 2021 using Google forms. Until 400 replies were gathered, the questionnaire was distributed among state citizens in both rural and urban areas via email and social media sites such Whatsapp groups, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. We collected data on their socio-demographic traits and awareness of the risk and preventative factors for Stroke. Epi info v7 software was used to evaluate the data using the necessary statistical tests. Results: A total of 400 respondents including 163(40.75%) were from urban area and 237(59.25%) were from rural area were participated in the study. Among the participants of the majority 269(67.25%) were males, 173(43.25%) were between 18-30 years, 155(38.75%) were Graduate, 266 (66.5%) were employed, 238(59.5%) were married and 387 (96.75%) were Hindu. In the present study 54 (13.5%) study participants had very good knowledge (9-10 marks) towards risk factors for Stroke , 221 (55.25%) had good knowledge (7-8 marks), 73(18.25%) had fair knowledge (4-6 marks) and 52(13.0%) had poor knowledge (<4 marks) towards risk factors for Stroke. Similarly, 49(12.25%) study participants had very good knowledge (9-10 marks) towards warning signs of Stroke, 241(65.25%) had good knowledge (7-8 marks), 72(18.0%) had fair knowledge (4-6 marks) and 38 (9.5%) had poor knowledge (<4 marks) towards warning signs of Stroke. Conclusion: Survey results suggested that there exists scant information about risk factors and alarming signs among general population of Himachal Pradesh toward stroke. In this regard, there is an immense need to conduct awareness camps related to stroke to educate the vulnerable public.
Research Article
Open Access
General public Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding COVID- 19: a Cross-Sectional study in Himachal Pradesh
Hanish Kumar Rana,
Miss Riya Katoch,
Badal Katoch
Background: COVID-19 has caused around a million deaths throughout the world and despite the prompt lockdown and rigorous efforts from the government and health authorities, the case numbers in India were still staggering. To explore this furthermore, our study was formulated and aimed to evaluate the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding COVID-19 among General Population of Himachal Pradesh. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional survey of residents of the state of Himachal Pradesh was carried out between March 2021 and May 2021 using Google forms. Until 400 replies were gathered, the questionnaire was distributed among state citizens in both rural and urban areas via email and social media sites such Whatsapp groups, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. We collected data on their socio-demographic traits and Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding COVID-19. Epi info v7 software was used to evaluate the data using the necessary statistical tests. Results: A total of 400 respondents including 150(37.5%) were from urban area and 250(62.5%) were from rural area were participated in the study. Among the participants of the majority 268(67.0%) were males, 182(45.5%) were between 18-30 years, 152(38.0%) were Graduate, 254 (63.5%) were employee, 247(61.75%) were married and 383 (95.75%) were Hindu. In the present study 121 (30.25%) study participants had very good (24-30 marks) awareness regarding COVID-19, 208 (52.0%) had good (18-23 marks), 49 (12.25%) had fair (12-17 marks) and 22(5.5%) had poor (<12 marks) awareness regarding COVID-19. Conclusion: According to survey findings, the general public had either satisfactory knowledge Attitude and Practices Regarding COVID-19. It is evident from our study that better knowledge leads to a positive attitude and in turn reflects on better practice. Our study also revealed how education can be an effective tool in awareness and timely adaptation which might help health authorities to formulate plans based on the areas of improvement.